12b. Shelach Lecha Anashim (שלח לך אנשים) 5711, Class Two.
Posted: August 7, 2022
12b. Shelach Lecha Anashim (שלח לך אנשים) 5711, Class Two. This מאמר Why does Moshe send the spies, considering that God left it up to him? He does so because he appreciates the need to provide a new נתינת כח for the entry into ארץ ישראל. But it doesn’t work out and יהושע brings them into ארץ ישראל and he sends the spies. Had Moshe sent the spies it would have empowered the Yidden to be צדיקים, but since יהושע sends the מרגלים Yidden are empowered to be בינונים and no more.
12b. Shelach Lecha Anashim (שלח לך אנשים) 5711, Class Two.