Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class One. Introduction: The Sages Unlock the Power and Mystery of the Shofar This class provides historical background on the Jewish Sages who give the multiple reasons underlying the use of the shofar at Rosh HaShana. Sages discussed include Reb Sadya Gaon as explained 700 years ago by the RADA (Reb David Abudraham), the Rambam, as well as Chassidic commentary from the Baal Shem Tov and the Berditchever as explained by the Rebbe Maharash. RaSaG’s first 4 reasons: 1) Making Hashem King 2) Inspiring Teshuva 3) Reminder of Har Sinai (say Naaseh ViNishma again). 4) To listen to Navi. Class Length (20:38)
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class One.
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Two. 0-6:30 – Rabbi Paltiel on his birthday routine regarding writing to the Rebbe and the importance of maintaining a written record the annual letters to enable self-assessment. 6:30 – 21.39 Shofar Class reviews the first four reasons for blowing and shofar and completes the list of ten reasons for Tekiyos of the RaSaG (reasons 5-10): 5. Reminiscent of the trumpets of the enemies in a war we lost – inspiration to rebuild the Beis HaMikdash 6. A reminder of the cry of pain under oppression – Remember Mesirus Nefesh 7. Remember Hashem is Omnipotent 8. Remind us of the coming of Moshiach and the time to run to Eretz Yisrael. 9. To wake ourselves up when we are at our lowest point – auto soul reboot 10. Techiyas haMeisim Class Length (21:38)
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Two.
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Three. Class 3: This class continues the analysis of the meaning of the blowing of the shofar with two more ideas: 11) The Rambam gives the 11th reason – waking the Jewish people up with a reminder to use their time for things that are eternal. Recognizing the need to move away from things that modern society gives importance and refocusing on the eternal. 12) The second half of the class covers the Mashal of the Ba’al Shem Tov of the prince who wanders far from the palace and upon return is not recognized and struggles to reconnect to his father the King. Class Length (31:43)
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Three.
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Four. More on the Ba’al Shem Tov’s Mashal; The Mashal of Reb Levi Yitzchok of Barditchov: we took the Torah when no one else wanted it; we remind Hashem of this by “putting on the same clothing we wore that day”: the SHOFAR! Class Length (36:57)
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Four.
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Five. We began the class by further reviewing what the Holy Reb Levi Yitzchok of Barditchov explained about Tekiyas Shofar. We discussed the two types of leader: מושל and מלך. מושל is a leader who imposes his will on others. מלך is all about will: the people want him as their king and they arouse in the King the desire to do so.
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Five.
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Six. This class (was without any text) was a lecture on how we make Hashem a King on Rosh Hashana: is we expect Him to give all of Himself to us, we must give all of ourselves to Him. This is why we bow and act in a way of קבלת עול כללי total submission (with ALL our faculties) to Him.
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Six.
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Seven. The aforementioned process of making Hashem a king, is called in Kabbalah בנין המלכות. We explore this idea at length. The notions of סוד שרש and סוד תוספת are explained and linked to דורמיטא and בנין המלכות.
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Seven.
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Eight. The idea of Binyan HaMalchus is explained with the way Adam and Chava were created דיו פרצופים נבראו as two Siamese twins attached back to back that were separated so they could meet each other face to face. This is building up the Nukva to be equal to Z”A so they have equal relationship, but this requires going deeper into self to have the depth to maintain this relationship. This is a Mashal for Binyan HaMalchus to allow for a meaningful and full relationship and affect a greater Hashpa’a on the lower worlds.
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Eight.
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Nine. Explaining that the reason for the need for בנין המלכות (specifically) is due to seven differences between Malchus and the other Sfiros: 1) The difference in the source (RaDlA or Arich) 2) It’s Mihus (One point vs nine Sfiros (in hiding)) 3) The אופן or מציאות of it’s Mihus 4) The method of it’s arousal (Malchus requires another to reveal it, the other Sfiros from oneself). 5) The way it is aroused (Malchus only for a human being, the other Sfiros even for an animal). 6) The Method of it’s revelation 7) The way it is revealed (Malchus from far, the other Sfiros from close)