Shoftim 18:13 – Whole, Sincere, and Simple (5767/ 2007)
Posted: November 2, 2017
Shoftim 18-13 (5767/ 2007) – Whole, Sincere, and Simple This class for Parshas Shoftim analyzes the Possuk, “Tamim tihye Hashem Elokecha” and brings home the point that a Jew should rely on Hashem plain and simple. Sources include RaShI, Even Ezra, RaMbaN, Sforno, Alshich, Shach, Likutei Torah and a Ma’amar (5672). Women’s and Girl’s Beis Midrash and Seminary for Higher Learning Parsha Series. Many thanks to the Director, Rebbetzin Ariella Benhiyoun, for making these classes available.
Shoftim 18-13 (5767/ 2007) – Whole, Sincere, and Simple