
Hayom Yom – 02 Menachem Av

Hayom Yom 2 Menachem AvMinhagim for putting on Tefillin leading up to the Bar MItzvahAnd other related stories and customs.

Hayom Yom – 02 Sivan

Shavuos 5689, 4 Ma’amarim and possible message.

HaYom Yom – 02 Teves

HaYom Yom – 02 & 03 Teves. 02 Teves from minute 0:00 – 43:40 ChanukahSyrian Greeks wanted to take the Elokus out of Yiddishkeit.Do what you want – its a nice custom, but dont do it because Hashem said.The thinking of the Yidden vs the thinking of the Syrian Greeks as regards to Torah, and…

Hayom Yom – 02 Tamuz

The link between the Mitzvos between man and G-d and those between man and man is underscored in the recitation of הריני מקבל each day at the beginning of our prayer. Want attachedness with G-d? Be connected and don’t be separated from fellow Yid. Why is discussed a little, it has to do with humility…