
Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5716 (03) – Sicha Three (01)

Class Three. Page 45-7. נחשון בן עמינדב may have gone against Halacha when jumping into the sea, but he certainly went against the majority. He just didn’t ask. He knew he was going from יציאת מצרים to הר סיני and he saw nothing in his way.  

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5716 (02) – Sicha One (02)

Class Two. Page 41-3. There are different types of Yahrtzaits and different types of Ohalim [it all depends on how the Tzadik lived]. The Previous Rebbe lived with Simcha, his Ohel and Yahrtzait reflect this.

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5716 (01) – Sicha One (01)

Class One. Page 40-1. There are seven paths of Avoda, but they all must end in a candle that produces light to shine to the world. Aharon whose path is Chessed finds commonality in the “path” and the “goal” making his work easier. This is how it is by all of our Rabbeiim.  

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5715 (05) – Sicha One (05)

Class Five. Page 245-6. Children and thinking of their future (regarding college, parnassa, etc)., how wrong this is. This is not education, but it is a plague that plagues the American culture.  

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5715 (03) – Sicha One (03)

Class Three. Page 220-1. All Tzadikim connected to Pnimiyus HaTorah have their Yahrtzeit celebrated as a Hilula, Histalkus, a Yom Tov.  

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5715 (02) – Sicha One (02)

Class Two. Page 219-220. The Chassidus (Pnimiyus) behind RaShBI’s Yahrtzait being a happy day, is because he is connected to Etz HaChayim the part of the Torah where death doesn’t reach.  

Toras Menachem – 10 Shevat 5714 (06)

Class Six. Page 34-5. The Tzion of a Tzadik is higher than the Beis HaMikdash as it remains the Beis HaMikdash in Golus because it is Etzem. We explored the Mashal of the earth being round as an illustration.

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5715 (01) – Sicha One (01)

Class One. Page 217-9. when a question refutes, and when a question remains unanswered, but the idea remains the same (Teyuvta and Kashya). Moshe Rabbeinu wanted to live so we fast on his Yahrtzait, RaShBI wanted to ascend so his Yahrtzait is a celebration.  

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5715 (08) – Sicha One (08)

Page 252-3. Also Toras Menachem vol. 7 page 336 ff. and vol 11 page 46 ff. Class Eight. As the time passes since 10 Shvat 5710 and 5711, we pass the Orlah and Revii years and move into bringing holiness into Chol. We quote from the earlier Sichos on this theme.

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5715 (07) – Sicha One (07)

Class Seven. Page 250-2. Conclusion: people should volunteer to learn and others to support the effort ideally it should all be secret.