
Boruch HaGomel (5687/1927) (short)

Boruch HaGomel (5687/ 19270 (short).An overview given to some girls on account of a HUGE Ness that happened to them.One can celebrate the physical (side of the) Miracle (ברוך שעשה לי נס) or the Soul behind it (ברוך הגומל)…

12 Tamuz 5780 93 years

12 Tamuz 5780 93 yearsRecalling a note of the Rebbe’s from 5751 (13 Elul) 93 Vessels plus the Kohain is 94, what is means to us 93 years since the first 1 Tamuz (short thought). Farbrengen 13 Tamuz 5780 93 yearsWe are all in the Zchus of Tzadikim.Longer version of the idea of 93 vessels…

40. Ze Hayom Usa Hashem 5738 (12 Tamuz)

Ze HayomUsa Hashem 5738 (12 Tamuz) Class One.In Miracles there are two outstanding characteristics: 1) greater vs smaller miracles 2) more impact-full vs less impact-full miracles.As it turns out, smaller miracles are (more believable and therefore are) more impact-full than greater ones. So… which is preferred? (The answer will, be in the next class). Ze…

33 דעו כי הוי’ הוא האלוקים ה’תשל”ט

דעו כי הוי’ הוא האלוקים התשל”ט This is a י”ב תמוז Ma’amar For the Rebbe RaYaTz beginning his hundredth year, when he would recite פרק ק in Tehillim. The point of the Ma’amar is to explain that we עמו וצאן הרעיתו were tasked to affect הוי’ הוא האלוקים in the world through work. The idea…

36. ברוך הגומל ה’תש”מ.

Yetzias Mitzrayim was forever. Going out of Galus brings out the greatest Kochos. עמו וצאן מרעיתו Being a sheep is (spiritually) higher than being a member of His people.

35. גפן ממצרים תסיע ה’תש”מ.

Class One. Elokim, Havaya in Elokim and Havaya by itself. Class Two. Mihalech, being in motion reveals the highest powers.

Se’u Yedeichem Kodesh 5747. (5772/2012).

The Zohar explains that two Havayos in one Possuk should be understood as two Havayos (DilAila and Diltata- higher and lower). Moreover as one grows they discover many levels of higher and lower Havayos and what is higher to one level is low to the level above itself etc. [Levels of infinity]. This Possuk Se’u…

Hodu LaHashem Ki Tov 5746.

Yerida Tzorech Aliya. The four categories that need to praise and submit to Hashem, how are they in spiritual and refined terms. A. Yehi Hashem Elokeinu Imanu 5746, Part One. (5772/2012). Based on the Frierdike Rebbe’s Maamar from 5685 (1925). The descent into Golus affects that the high become higher and the low lower. On…

Baruch HaGomel (2) 5745.

Class One. 1) The Neshama in a Guf is a Golus, 2) In this world in Galus is a double Galus, 3) the four that must say Gomel. That spiritually refers to a sinner doing Teshuva, is the ultimate Yerida, which brings the ultimate Aliya. This yerida is so low, and its potential Aliya so…