Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5719 (04)
Class Four: This last class on this Sicha ties the various ideas together: The Rebbe RaYaTz in his incarceration insisted on repeating the thought he’d heard from his father about שכל אלוקי being אמונה first and then reason. Because that reveals the infinity of Yiddishkiet which is the antithesis of the incarcerating (=limiting) Yiddishkeit that…
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5719 (03)
Class Three: This class begins with about ten minutes on the date the class was given: 19 Tamuz, the day of the Previous Rebbe’s Bris. In the class on the Sicha the Rebbe explains the need for Faith and reason, but the Faith must come first and the reason second and NOT the other way…
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5719 (01)
Class One: 1) The day and Yomtov of 12 Tamuz. 2) Beginning of the Farbrengen of Shabbos 12 Tamuz 5719. 3) Rebbe RaShaB’s “ווארט” said to his son the Rebbe RaYatz in Rostov on front of what would later be the building of the KGB about שכל אנושי vs שכל אלוקי. The former goes from…
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5717 (11) – Sicha Six (01)
Class Eleven. Page 131. Hiskashrus a Neshama matter (introduction to the Sicha).
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5717 (04) – Sicha Two (02)
Class Four. Page 113-114. Conclusion and lesson.
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5717 (03) – Sicha Two (01)
Class Three. Page 111-113. At seventeen his father saw the Frierdiker Rebbe as fit to be a Rebbe. His qualifications to be Rebbe: 1) He inherited it. 2) His own personal greatness. 3) He and his father were one. The lesson for us: when one has so great a head, much more is expected from…
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5716 (04) – Sicha Two (02)
Class Four. Page 50-52. The same happened 12 Tamuz it took a year to establish it as a Yom Tov But once established it is a must on all those who endorsed it and under the category of לא תסור מכל אשר יורוך
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5716 (03) – Sicha Two (01)
Class Three. Page 48-50. The birth of a Rabbinic “דברי קבלה” holiday takes time to determine if the people can handle the new גזירה. Examples of Chanuka and even of Purim. This will (of course) tie into 12 Tamuz.
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5716 (02) – Sicha One (02)
Class Two. Page 46-8. Miracles always occur but once in a while they are so blatant as to smash the concealment of Golus. Like 12 Tamuz!
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5716 (01) – Sicha One (01)
Class One. Page 45-6. כרע שכב כארי וכלביא מי יקימנו We are -in Golus- laying and no one can raise us but even then we are a lion. מי Hashem Himself will raise us.
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