
Ribono Shel Olom (Yeshiva Version 5781/ 2020) Class Three.

Ribono Shel Olom (Yeshiva Version 5781/ 2020) Class Three.The last Pesukim:1) Tzara, from the narrowness itself comes the Bracha2) The 13 Middos HaRachamim, even infinity needs order and a path (Kav) or it is unsustainable.4) The Beis HaMikdash is everybody’s, but it requires order for it to be sustainable.

Slichos Thoughts and overview (5779/ 2019)

Slichos Thoughts and overview (5779/ 2019) Three Parts: 1) Introduction and entry 2) The Selichos are all about the 13 Middos of Rachamim 3) The Techinos at the end: The Nussach is not strictly Chabad, it is Russian. We explored some paragraphs individually: 1) Lecha Hashem Hatzedaka 2) Zechor Rachamecha… 3) Vayomer Dovid EL Gad…

06. “Ribono Shel Olom” after Vayehi Achar -the Akeida (Machon Chana (5775/ 2015)) Class Six.

06. “Ribono Shel Olom” after Vayehi Achar -the Akeida (Machon Chana (5775/ 2015)) Class Six.15 WEDNESDAY 6 ADAR 5775/ FEBRUARY 25 2015. 6) The thirteen attributes of Mercy, measure, and Ain Sof. 7) Moshiach, the idea that the ‘face’ is revealed in light as well.

Sicha – Rosh Hashana – Chana (04)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 19 p 291 ff The presumed state of every Jew during the 10 days of Teshuva is on the level of the 13 attributes of mercy (“higher than Hishtalshelus” i.e. reason).

Ani Lidodi 5747 (2).

This maamar explains that the two Maamarim ”Ani Ledodi” in Likutei Torah explain the revelation of the thirteen midos Harachamim in the order of “Klal Prat uKlal”.