HaYom Yom – 15 Tamuz (2)
Class Two: Stories of Reb Nochum Tchernubiler (that have some connection to Chabad).
HaYom Yom – 15 Tamuz (1)
Class One: Is it possible for someone to join Gashmiyus and Ruchniyus to such an extent that their spiritual lives should affect their physical bodies? Reb Nochum Tchernubiler was fat from saying אמן יהא שמי’ רבה. We compared it to one who is תורתו אומנתו שמלאכתו נעשית (בגשמיות כפשוטו) ע”י אחרים. )
Hayom Yom – 15 Menachem (3)
Hayom Yom 13 Menachem, Class Three.Moon reflecting the sun’s light and having it’s own light.The idea of the full moon (in the times of the Beis HaMikdash) and how it will be when Moshiach comes.
Hayom Yom – 15 Menachem Av (2)
Hayom Yom 13 Menachem, Class Two.Goyim have the sun as a mazal; the Yidden are compared to the moon.Two “Moon” ideas: 1) it receives from the sun, 2) its OWN light. How 15 Menachem is different from other “15’s”.
Hayom Yom – 15 Menachem Av (1)
Hayom Yom 13 Menachem, Class One.Some thoughts on the upcoming 15 Sivan, Beginning of discussion on the short reshima (note) of the Rebbe RaShaB which is available in long form in the Hanacha (transcript) printed along side the note.What is the 15th of each month.This 15 is connected to a weakening sun and as such…
Hayom Yom – 15 Sivan
The four stages in the development of the Alter Rebbe’s Torah: דרכים very short thoughts that speak very passionately. The “ChaBaD” is very hidden here. as though they were simply to teach how to serve God with little “mind”. אגרות Longer thoughts that take on some ChaBaD (intellectual) form. [This idea is compared to the…
Hayom Yom – 15 Adar II
About the Mittler Rebbe:The Mittler Rebbe’s ChassidusThe Mittler Rebbe’s NesiusHishkashrus between Chassidim and the Rebbe and vice versa. The Chassidim set the terms, the Rebbe only wants to give.
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