035 Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – (יום טוב של ראש השנה) 5666 (In Depth Version) – Class 35
35. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Thirty Five.Page 7-8.אין כח חסר פועל למעלה class 4.The idea of Koach without Poel is on a level where there really isn’t even Koach (tool, potential [specific] power). This means in Atzmus. 35. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Thirty…
027 Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana (יום טוב של ראש השנה) 5666 (In Depth Version) – Class 27
27. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Twenty Seven.The second idea of reversing the Tzimtzum through Avoda etc. (and creating a ‘Dira BiTachtonim’) is that we reveal an even higher light than was ever present in the מקום החלל the “SPACE” of the creation.
Basi Legani 5711 (Long Version) (06)
Chapters seven through nine 1) explain Histalkus (a great but lofty light is brought down) and 2) outline the mission of our (the “Seventh Generation)’s role in finalizing the coming of Moshiach.
Nasso 06:01~21 – Nazir Follows Sota (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)
Nasso 06-01-21 Nazir follows Sota (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).After Sota comes Nazir to teach us the lesson of נדרים סיג לפרישות when one is spiritually vulnerable it helps to make a fence in the form of a vow for spiritual self-preservation.But higher than making the vow is USING the material world’s bounty, including wine….
Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020)(14)
Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020), Class Fourteen.Final idea from the Sicha (in vol 30) since every aspect is Etzem all are equally important, Length: 17:08
Toldos (a lesson in Chinuch) (5780/2019) Yeshiva
Parshas Toldos (a lesson in Chinuch) 5780 (2019) Aisav is greater but extreme, Yaakov is balanced and sustained. The lesson in our lives. First Version: Yeshiva.
HaYom Yom – 20 Tamuz (1)
20 Tamuz Class One. Written to Rabbi Chodokov. A few stories of how he became involved with the Rabbeiim. He was an Oved Pnimi. This letter was written to him, to help him serve Hashem. This class is only an overview. We will explore all these ideas in detail in the coming classes. The three…
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