
Sicha 19 Kislev – What is Chassidus (53)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 02 p 471 ff Class 53. Hisbonenus (3). Why it’s so difficult. The struggle (iskafia) must come before the peace and enlightenment (ishapecha).  

Sicha 19 Kislev – What is Chassidus (50)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 02 p 471 ff Class 50. Daas, pnimiyus. What does depth really mean.  

The Hadran HaGadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(20)

Class Twenty. Footnote 37 (2). The idea of Yedias Atzmo BiAtzmuso’ [God knowing Himself in Himself] what does that self-awareness change? Not very much, but it allows for His knowledge of what is outside of Him to be (potentially) outside of Him. This is meant to explain how theoretically the idea of Metzius nimtza changes…

The Hadran HaGadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(19)

Class Nineteen. Footnote 37 (1). Why the world’s disappearing would not reverse His being a Matzui Rishon.

Sicha 19 Kislev – What is Chassidus (49)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 02 p 471 ff Class 49. The hardships of Chabad Chassidus 1) Knowledge isn’t easy, 2) Da’as (the knowledge must be real) is very difficult to attain.  

The Hadran HaGadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(18)

Class Eighteen. Now the Rebbe explains: 1) the ‘Hu Aino matzui’ of Halacha 2. He proves from the words that this is not a proposal that there is no God (God forbid) but that He exists non-existentially. 2) Accordingly, he explains the words “Yaale Al HaDaas’, to a higher level of understanding, but it is…

The Hadran HaGadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(17)

Class Seventeen. Review of Matzui Lo BiMitzius and Metzius Nimtza.

Sicha 19 Kislev – What is Chassidus (48)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 02 p 471 ff Class 48. The mind is not only the key to the heart but the key to the Soul. Introduction to hisbonenus.  

The Hadran HaGadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(15)

Class Fifteen. We read a lot today, introducing the two ideas of 1) Matzui Rishon, 2) Aino Matzui, more will follow IYH. Page 14-16.

The Hadran HaGadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(14)

Class Fourteen. Review and clarification of last class (after Pesach break). Page 14.