
The Emes of the Alter Rebbe (5774/ 2013, long version, Beis Rivka).

His Emes (5774/ 2013, long version, Beis Rivka).

The Emes of the Alter Rebbe (5770/ 2009) Class 1

Two classes (from 5770/ 2009) on the Alter Rebbe’s entire life (on a personal level) was an endless pursuit of absolute truth. Class One, Emes (5770/ 2009).

Introduction to the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch

In conjunction with his 200th Yahrtzeit on 24 Teves 5773/2013 these classes were given on the hakdamos of three of his Sefarim. The Shulchan Aruch. The introduction to the Shulchan Aruch of the Alter Rebbe. By his sons. It reveals the Holy Maggid’s inspiration from ‘on High’ to find one of his students to write…

Introduction to the Tanya

In conjunction with his 200th Yahrtzeit on 24 Teves 5773/2013 these classes were given on the hakdamos of three of his Sefarim. The Tanya. Introduction to the Tanya was written by the Alter Rebbe himself and reveals the interest of Chassidim in Chassidus and the difficulties in acquiring it.

Introduction to the The Alter Rebbe’s Siddur

In conjunction with his 200th Yahrtzeit on 24 Teves 5773/2013 these classes were given on the hakdamos of three of his Sefarim. The Siddur. The Alter Rebbe’s Siddur, a clear author and purpose, to be ‘the thirteenth gate’. Reb Avrohom Dovid Lavut’s introduction (the Maggid’s Torah) and the joining of 1) Kabbalah, 2) Halacha, and…

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 15

Class Fifteen. The year 5552. The Kitrug, Shavuos, Devorah Leah and her sacrifice. Rosh Hashana 5553, The Levaya and the Tzemach Tzedek.

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 11

Class Eleven, Chabad (2) Torah in ChaBaD vs. ChaGaS. internal vs. external fire.

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 14

Class Fourteen. 5542-3: The meeting and Vohlin. The Alter Rebbe is severely criticized by his fellow Talmidei HaMaggid and is deeply hurt by it. He reacts by doing more to spread Chassidus. Reb Levi Yitzchok Barditchiver’s story. His ouster from Pinsk. The visit to the Alter Rebbe , His refusal to participate in the Cherem….

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 13

Class Thirteen, Chabad (4). This class is missing, sorry.

The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 12

A series of classes on the life of the Alter Rebbe given at Yeshivas Chovevai Torah, beginning in Adar 5773/2013. Class Twelve, Chabad (3). More on ChaBaD and Poilin. Shirayim Shalom, Torah difference.