
V’Chol Banayich 5745.

Two ideas of Shalom (peace): 1) Elevating (and giving clarity to) the sparks through Torah, peace. 2) Bringing together opposites makes even the war peaceful, as the peace is in the getting together with an opposite.

A 12 Tamuz Ma’amar 5744

Class One. The Gemarah that links this Possuk to Torah Avoda and Gemilas Chasadim. The Rebbe links this to ‘the three pillars on which the world stands’. These three are affecting one’s 1) mind, 2) body, 3) world. The narrow world (the person) and the greater world. Yerida Tzorech Aliya of the Neshama, from a…

Pada BiShalom 5744

Shalom does not mean that there is no opposition, but that there is merely an opposition that simply is not resisting, Shalom Rav means that the opposition is completely eliminated and transformed. This is the real insight into Pada BiShalom… Ki BiRabim… Pada Bishalom 5744.

Ze Hayom Techilas Maasecha 5744

Class One. This class has an introduction that explains what will come on the second class. This maamar explains the letter from the Rebbe RaShaB that called Yud tes Kislev Rosh Hashana LaChassidus, and he wrote about this day ‘Ze Hayom…’ the inner Kavana of creation is revealed on this day and it has to…

Pada Bishalom 5743.

Three levels: 1) war 2) peace 3) Teshuva (Moshiach).

שלום רב התשמ”ב.

Torah is intellect, and that was what was available to the Avos before the Torah was given and no more. We were given God Himself at Sinai and we can connect the Giver of the Torah with the Torah by first saying the ברכות התורה and Davening. We then add the Godliness above the Torah…

פדה בשלום התשמ”ב

This short 19 Kislev Ma’amar explains the idea of פדה בשלום in the life of each person. It is through an abundant dose of Torah, Mitzvos and (before those two) Prayer.

Pada BiShalom 5741 (19 Kislev).

For there to be a peaceful resolution to war, there must be war. But some victories are “peaceful”.

פדה בשלום ה’תשמ”א.

This מאמר was said at the סיום ספר תורה for the בית הכנסת בית מנחם in כפר חב”ד. The בירור of תורה itself in four ideas: 1) פדה בשלום the redemption from the struggle of עולמות בפשיטות happens peaceably. 2) מקרב The struggle to redeem תורה happens with a battle from close up מקרב that…

פדה בשלום (י”ט כסליו) ה’תש”מ.

Class One. Although פדה בשלום includes all three poles: תורה, עבודה, וגמילת חסדים, it is primarily through תפילה, and תורה וגמ”ח assist her. This refers specifically to תפילה בציבור which is שלום on various counts. 1) When there is a ציבור the שכינה rests. 2) The idea that only when we are whole (joined with…