
Sicha – RaMbaM / Alter Rebbe / VaAira (09)

Rambam and Alter Rebbe’s connection to Parshas VaAira, to Know God is the first commandment (so it says in the Zohar and the Rambam brings this in the Sefer HaYAd). Page 30-1.

Sicha – RaMbaM / Alter Rebbe / VaAira (08)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 26 p 26 ff The similarities in their S’forim of Nistar: 1) They wrote (also) for the confused, entangled and perplexed, 2) They bring the same P’sukim (about Yedias Hashem, and tuning in to understand etc.). Page 30.

Sicha – RaMbaM / Alter Rebbe / VaAira (07)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 26 p 26 ff Further similarities between the Rambam and the Alter Rebbe’s halacha works: 2) They introduce Hashem’s name in the introduction 3) They begin the actual Sefer with knowing God. Page 29.

Sicha – RaMbaM / Alter Rebbe / VaAira (05)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 26 p 26 ff The RaMbaM wrote his Sefer, to deal with the challenges of the Golus and the lack of roots. Page 28.

Sicha – RaMbaM / Alter Rebbe / VaAira (04)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 26 p 26 ff The names of the Alter Rebbe and the RaMbaM reflect their whole contribution to the Torah. Schneer: Two lights and Moshe, and RaMabaM with two mems. Page 28.

Sicha – RaMbaM / Alter Rebbe / VaAira (03)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 26 p 26 ff The mysticism of the RaMbaM and the Alter Rebbe, bring people closer to [“the knowledge of] God. Page 27.

Sicha – RaMbaM / Alter Rebbe / VaAira (02)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 26 p 26 ff Similarity between the RaMBaM and the Alter Rebbe in their writing of a Sefer of halacha. Page 27.

Sicha – RaMbaM / Alter Rebbe / VaAira (01)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 26 p 26 ff RaMbaM Alter Rebbe and Parshas Va’aira. First of all the similarities between the RaMbaM and the Alter Rebbe. They both were dedicated to helping klal Yisroel both materially and spiritually. Page 26-7.