Re’ei 14:01 – Banim Atem Lahashem…You are G-d’s Children (5769)
Re’ei 14-01. Banim Atem Lahashem…. You are G-d’s Children. (5769).
Vaeschanan [06:04 – Boruch Sheim Kevod Malchuso… (5769/ 2009)
Vaeschanan [06-04. Boruch Sheim Kevod Malchuso… (5769/ 2009)
BeHar 25:14 – Onaa; Halachos and Chassidus of Ona’a (Price Inflation)
BeHar 25-14. Onaa- the law against abusing another in business or personal matters. (5769).The Laws of Ona’a (ona’a means inflating prices above or below a certain threshold). Sources: Rashag, Rashi, E. Ezra, Abarbanel, Alschich, Ramban, Sforno, Gemara, Chinuch, Tzemach Tzedek
Acharei Mos 18:05 – Vechai Bahem (Live by the Mitzvot)(2009)
”Ve-Chai bahem” – Live by the mitzvot – do not die by them. Gemara (halacha), Rashag, Rashi, Eben Ezra, Ramban, R. Bechayey, Alshich, Ohr Hatorah
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