
Ha’azinu – The Story of the History of the World through the Divine Prism (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020)

Ha’azinu, the story of the history of the world through the divine prism (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020).Ha’azinu is a deeply mysterious and powerful part of the Torah – Ha’azinu lays out the history of the Jewish people.  The Sages refer to it as one of the “songs” of the Torah.  The parsha says, Hashem exists and…

Nitzovim- Vayelech – How many times is Moshe going to warn us? (5780/2020)

Parshas Nitzovim- Vayelech (5780/ 2020) How many times is Moshe going to warn us?This class presents and analyzes Moshe’s (i.e. the Torah’s) prophecy that is repeated SIX TIMES!!! and in hindsight has clearly been revealed in the painful and miraculous story of Jewish history.  The prophecy says in various ways between Parshios Vaeschanan, Nitzavim, Vayelech…

Ki Savo 28:69 – Tochacha is called “Bris” (covenant) (5780/ 2020)

Ki Savo 28-69, Tochacha is called “Bris” (covenant) (5780/ 2020)There are 2 instances of “Tochecha” – rebuke (threats/promise) – in the Chumash.  1. Bechukosai – 49 klalos2. Ki Savo – 98 klalosThe Tochacha, which is a most severe section in the Torah (which could be called “threats” rather than rebuke or correction) is called a…

Bamidbar 03:01 – Students are Children (5780/ 2020 Yeshiva)

Bamidbar 03- 01 Students are children (5780/ 2020 Yeshiva)כל המלמד את בן חבירו תורה מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו ילדוThe Alter Rebbe called the Ba’al Shem Tov “Zaideh” as he was his teacher’s teacher.Reb Boruch of Mezibuzh was the biological grandson and the Alter Rebbe “the real” grandson.Aharon’s children are Moshe’s as he taught them Torah.Yehoshua…

Behar 25:14 -The Laws of Kinyanim and a Lesson (Yeshiva 5780)

Parshas Behar (Yeshiva 5780) in the middle of the (holy) laws of Eretz Yisroel- all the laws of Kinyan are inserted.A review of many Halachos and Torah-attitudes and a lesson: the ordinary must be holy.

Emor – The Kehuna teaches that Torah doesn’t believe in parity (Yeshiva 5780)

Emor (Yeshiva 5780) The Kehuna teaches that Torah doesn’t believe in parity.The same old story: it’s not fair; why you and not me?The Torah teaches that we are different and have different roles.The “logic” behind this “lack of fairness” is what it motivates and inspires.Parity engenders mediocrity. There are many הבדלות (absolute boundaries) that Hashem…

Kedoshim 19:14 – A Farbrengen: Viyaraisa MaiElokecha (He knows the secrets) (Yeshiva 5780/ 2020)

Kedoshim 19-14. A Farbrengen, Parshas Kedoshim: Viyaraisa MaiElokecha (He knows the secrets).This form is unique to this Parsha.One can only be properly careful about דברים המסורים ללב if there’s קדושים תהיו which means אתכפיא.

Acharei- Kedoshim 18:03; 20:02 – Negative Side (protection) of holiness and purity; the repetition of ideas for אזהרה ועונשים (Yeshiva 5780)

(Yeshiva 5780)18-03. Acharei- Kedoshim (20-02), negative side (protection) of holiness and purity; the repetition of ideas for אזהרה ועונשיםJews have more expected of them.We don’t behave so as not to be punished, but to be holy, thus the punishments are separate from the prohibitions.

Shoftim – Overview: A study in Leadership

Parshas Shoftim, A study in Leadership. This class overviews the Parsha and enlightens the idea of leadership, as represented by the four most basic form of leadership: 1) Judges and a court system 2) Kings and their immense power according to Torah 3) Prophets and the illusive nature of their integrity 4) Generals, armies are…