
Lech Lecha 14:01 – “WAR”

Lech Lecha 14-01 “WAR”The Tanchuma says that the battle described in our Parsha is the first ever among human beings.This gives us reason to pause and consider the challenge from on high to mankind not to engage in warfare.

Nitzavim 30:01~07 – Moshiach and Teshuva

Nitzavim 30 01-07.Moshiach and Teshuva.

(end of) Bamidbar- Nasso; Counting Leviim a second time (for work) (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)

(end of) Bamidbar- Nasso; Counting Leviim a second time (for work) Yeshiva 5781/ 2021.Parshas Nasso continues the count of the Leviim.Perhaps it is the fact that Bamidbar is (usually) before Mattan Torah, when WHO YOU WERE was more important that WHAT YOU DID; and Nasso is after Mattan Torah, when WHAT YOU DO is more…

Bamidbar 01- 47, 49; 03- 15 – Counting Leviim (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)

Bamidbar 01- 47, 49; 03- 15 – Counting Leviim (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021). Counting LeviimCounting Yidden (was and) is a very precise endeavor; but Leviim were first said not to be counted; and later they were said to be counted from a different age and using a different method.Ultimately they are counted twice!!What does this mean?There…

BeHar 25:05 – Sfichim (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)

25-05. Sfichim (what grows by itself).The self growing foliage may be treated more strictly than that on plants (in the sixth year) outright.The concept mystically, there are no new Neshamos (in Galus), but all the Neshamos of Galus are Gilgulim… what was planted long ago but grown now.The idea of seeds germinating and surfacing long…

Emor 24:10 until the end of the Parsha – Mikalel and Aftermath (Yeshiva Achei 5781/2021)

Emor 24-10 until the end of the Parsha, Mikalel and aftermath (Yeshiva Achei 5781 (2021)).Mikalel is followed up by a brief review of the Halachos Of Adam and Mamon HaMazik from Mishpatim; the question is why?A radical idea is proposed: there are five Chumashim, each with with a different basic message. [1. Tzadikim Mesiras Nefesh,…

Acharei Mos 18:24 ff – Three contingent ideas: 1) Tumah 2) Toaiva 3) the land throws you out (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5781/ 2021)

18-24 ff. Three contingent ideas: 1) Tumah, 2) Toaiva, 3) the land throws you out.This class (based heavily on the RaMbaN) explains the relationship between holiness and refinement and the Land of Yisroel.The topic of this class is the Land of Israel’s inability to Tolerate ImpuritySpecial intro on Rabbi Paltiel’s grandfather’s yahrzeit (?)Length: 36:14 There…