
HaYom Yom – 21 Tamuz (2)

Class Two: Question of Galus vs. Shina as opposed to Asleep vs awake. The “Farbrengen” of this Hayom Yom, the Pintteler Yid. 1) We see it in Mesiras Nefesh 2) (but) Nowadays we see it (more) in Teshuva. Stories for each are provided. [Incidental thought: Is the twelve step program against Torah?]

Hayom Yom – 21 Menachem Av

Hayom Yom 21 Menachem Av.Darchei HaChassidus includes feeling a personal responsibility to use opportunities in the Market etc. to encourage people to join Shiurim in Chassidus etc.The “ways of Chassidus” is the cultural component of Chassidus.

Hayom Yom – 21 Sivan

The faculties of the Neshama and their limitations vs. the Essence of the Neshama.

Hayom Yom – 20 Teves (2) / HaYom Yom – 21 Teves / HaYom Yom – 22 Teves (1)

Hayom Yom – 20 Teves (2): 0:00 – 35:36Yechidus. Be Honest in Talking to a Rebbe. HaYom Yom – 21 Teves: 35:36 – 40:15When one encounters water, he should quote the Baal Shem Tov and say when one encounters water, he should say that the Baal Shem Tov said that it is a Siman Brocha….