Toras Menachem – Purim 5716 (06) – Sicha Four (03)
Class Six. Page 144-5. More on values of Chinuch, holy books, God fearing teachers etc.
Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5715 (05)
Class Five. Page 80-81. Ma’amarim evolve from the Alter Rebbe until our Rebbe. The ‘Flag’ Ma’amar and its development.
Toras Menachem – Breishis 2 5717 (01) – Sicha six – Class 01
Class One. Page 144-6. Preoccupation with material things is shameful.
Samach Bais (17) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 17
Page 248-9. What does praise change? It reveals (and in G-dliness’ case: creates) new energy through the praise. This is why Yidden are called יונתי as they “stare” at Him.
Samach Bais (16) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 16
Page 247-8. פסוקי דזמרא is like looking at the king: הסתכלות where you have the essence but it is not internal and transforming though it is very impactful. ברכות קריאת שמע is studying the king; not nearly as moving but much deeper, like the כחות.
Samach Bais (15) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 15
Page 247-9. The four rungs of the ladder of prayer. מודה אני: submission and acceptance, this state is where one’s mind and heart and senses are not manifest, and we have and all we can (and do) do is accept. סיפור שבחיו של מקום :פסוקי דזמרא we sing G-d’s praises about what He does for…
Samach Bais (10) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 10
Page 245. Two types of Hishtalshelus: One: the gradual orderly one. In order for ideas and inspiration from Kesser to reach מלכות in a form of פנימיות it goes through various steps of התלבשות וצמצום.
Class 27
Page 293-5. כי קולך ערב. תורה has two opposites together. 1) תורה must be accompanied by תפילה and the רוח modulates it all. 2) תורה has the opposites within itself: The hard work is תפילה; The presence of G-d in the Torah is תורה; and הלכה is רוח that modulates.
Class 26
Page 294. This is רצוי ושוב in one place. The idea that רוח moderates אש and מים creating רצוי ושוב and is thus higher even than אש. In effecting this, it reveals the עצמות of אין סוף, כי לא אדם into השתלשתלות, which is how He who is above seeing and hearing is brought to…
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