17d. Bisha’a Shehikdimu (בשעה שהקדימו) 5713 – Class Four
Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5713, Class Four.A short Class that ends the Ma’amar on the note of bringing the makif (Bittul, Hoda’a, Bittul BiMtzius) into Pnimiyus, going through “the steps” mind heart etc.
06b. Pada Bishalom (פדה בשלום) 5713 – Class 2
Class Two. The unfinished part of Pada BiShalom. Even in Golus there can be Giluy Elokus, but not through Mimalei and Korbonos but in Sovev (Atzmus) and Teshuva and higher Tefilla GaMaCh and Torah.
06a. Pada Bishalom (פדה בשלום) 5713 – Class 1
Class One. Beis Hamikdash and Nevua was real giluy and Hislabshus. It needed Korbonos to affect this.
04b. Omeid Aleihem (והוא עומד עליהם) 5713 – Class 2
Class Two. The ideas of Birurim and achilas Adam is like: 1) Eating Shabbos vs. the weekdays, 2) Tzadikim vs. Beinonim etc., 3) Neshamos and Malachim. On this basis he explains VeHu (Avrohom, Adam) standing over malachim and raising them to the level of Achilas Adam.
18e. Bisha’a Shehikdimu (בשעה שהקדימו) 5712 – Class 5
Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5712, Class Five.End of the Ma’amar explains that Neshamos earned the 3 Kesarim by being מקדים נעשה לנשמע, however, we need the malachim’s help because down here we are lower than them The כתר of הקדמת נעשה לנשמע He keeps, because it is about us as we are included in Atzmus and have…
039 Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – (יום טוב של ראש השנה) 5666 (In Depth Version) – Class 39
39. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Thirty Nine.Page 8.אין כח חסר פועל למעלה class 7.We returned to the idea of אין כח חסר פועל as it is after the Ratzon, which is (1- classic, 2-) where this discussion began. 39. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class…
038 Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – (יום טוב של ראש השנה) 5666 (In Depth Version) – Class 38
38. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Thirty Eight.Page 8.אין כח חסר פועל למעלה class 6.This class continues and concludes the question of the (possible) existence of כח בלי פועל in the level of אור that is מציאות נמצא namely עצם אוא”ס (this is still very unsure). 38. Yom Tov Shel…
037 Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – (יום טוב של ראש השנה) 5666 (In Depth Version) – Class 37
37. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Thirty Seven.Page 8.אין כח חסר פועל למעלה class 5.This class marks the end of the discussion linking כח בלי פועל (עצמות) as it is in Atzmus (מצוי לא במציאות) and begins the discussion of כח בלי פועל which really means יכלת as it is…
036 Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – (יום טוב של ראש השנה) 5666 (In Depth Version) – Class 36
36. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Thirty Six.Page 8.אין כח חסר פועל למעלה class 4.Where there’s כח without פועל because it’s מדריגת הכח continued. 36. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Thirty Six.
034 Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – (יום טוב של ראש השנה) 5666 (In Depth Version) – Class 34
34. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Thirty Four.Page 7.אין כח חסר פועל למעלה class 3.In this class the notion of אין כח חסר פועל למעלה is explained in the level before עלות הרצון on the level of ספירות אין קץ [also known as את הוא חד] because there is already…
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