
Toras Menachem – Breishis 5712 – Class One.

First Sicha. Shabbos Breishis, the way we start the year so goes all of the Year. The Tzemach Tzedek’s lengthy Maavir Sidra. This affects Rachavus (boundlessness) in everything including Gashmiyus. Page 109-110.

Toras Menachem – 18 “Chai” Elul 5711 (04)

This traveling which reflects the ahavas Yisroel center of Yiddishkeit, brings them in touch with such Jews who wouldn’t know that they even needed help altogether.

Toras Menachem – 18 “Chai” Elul 5711 (03)

The unique approach to leadership in Chassidus: Go to the people and don’t wait for them to come to you. Ahavas Yisroel is the cornerstone of this new movement.

Toras Menachem – 18 “Chai” Elul 5711 (01)

Sicha 14 Elul in connection with Wedding anniversaries of Rebbe RaShaB (11 elul), and the Frierdike Rebbe (13 Elul). Short story about Rebbe RaYatz’s and Rebbe RaShaB’s wedding.

Toras Menachem – 10 Elul 5711 (05)

Letter Klali Prati- 5 Rashei Teivos (abbreviations) for Elul: Torah, Tefilla, Tzedaka, Teshuva and Geula. We do Teshuva in these areas [using these tools to help us succeed].

Toras Menachem – 10 Elul 5711 (04)

End of Sicha. 1) Neshama’s higher than Yechida level connects to Melech Basade. 2) Explanation of what is higher than Yechida. 3) Memutza HaMichaber.

Toras Menachem – 10 Elul 5711 (02)

Panim and Makif at a Chupa. The Kalla’s Makif, The Chosson’s Makif, and Hashem’s Makif. [How this is found in Elul]. Page 293-4.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 047 ff

Whatever happened to Avrohom until Lech Lecha (at the age of seventy five) is not written in the Torah, because as the first Jew, his life doesn’t begin until he gets divine instruction and follows with bittul. The lesson for us we must acquiesce.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 075 ff

What we learn from the Avos that relates to us though our Yiddishkiet is so different. How we make Yiddishkiet as personal and felt by us.

Introduction to the lives of the Avos, Shevatim and Golus and Geulas Mitzrayim.

Patriarchs (00) (5776/2015) The pact with non-Jews, the Jewish nation, Iyov tells God there will never be another Avrohom Avinu.