VaYomer Lo Yehonasan Machar Chodesh (Sivan) 5746.
Two points of view on the world and the Torah: To learn about the world from the Torah and to learn about the Torah from the world. Two approaches to serving Hashem: From Heaven to earth and from earth to heaven.
Machar Chodesh 5745.
Class One. The Possuk that discusses the birth and renewal of the (new) Month, has three readings: 1) That the sun (mashpia) creates an interest in the Mikabel (moon) to want to get light the following day, 2) On Rosh Chodesh, the Moon (in its Bittul) receives the light from the Mashpia, 3) In the…
ויאמר לו יהונתן מחר חודש ה’תשמ”ב במדבר
Class One. There are two levels: 1) סוד שרש where everything stays constant לא ישבותו. This is the basis for the sustained order in the world, and it is parallel to the sun, that is a constant but is sustained by יחוד חיצוני. 2) סוד תוספת which is all about חידוש. In order for newness…
Machar Chodesh.. 5722.
This Ma’amar is really a “Im Kesef talve” Maamar, though it begins Machar Chodesh. This Ma’amar which deals with Gemilas Chasadim, places this Mitzva not only above Tzedaka, but above all the Mitzvos: Tzedaka corrects BY”A, Mitzvos enhance Atzilus, GeMaCh touches the Ein Sof and it has nothing to correct, change or improve. So, the…
השמים כסאי ה’תשמ”א.
Class One. Heaven and earth are beyond any form: they refer to Torah and Mitzvos. In the beginning, the heaven and the earth are: 1) potential and not actual, 2) finite and not infinite. Class Two. In the end heaven and earth are 1) actual, 2) infinite. This is the פסוק: כי כאשר השמים החדשים…
04. Lehuvin Inyan Erev Rosh Chodesh ViRosh Chodesh 5714.
Lehuvin Inyan Erev Rosh Chodesh ViRosh Chodesh 5714, Class One. This class includes Perek 2-3 of the Ma’amar that speaks of the ideas of Ohr (light) and Ahava (Love), arguing that the essence of all light and love is distance and not closeness. It discusses Ohr Yashar and Ohr and more. Lehuvin Inyan Erev Rosh…
Breishis 5745.
Breishis includes the world as it is in 1) the Torah, 2) in the Sefiros and 3) down here. The point is the Torah down here!
נעשה אדם ה’תשי”ז.
Class One. Two types of seeing through the”garments” of the eye and directly from the Etzem. Two types of Hashgacha: 1) through מלאכים that act like eyes, 2) directly- כאישון עיני. Two types of Avodah: Mind and heart and Essence- Yechida, There’s a bringing of the higher level into and through the lower level. Class…
ביום השמיני שלח את העם ה’תשמ”א.
Class One. This class explains two ideas in Teshuva (that are to a great extent opposites): 1) Actualizing the nature of the נשמה. This itself has two aspects: A. It’s nature to reunite with it’s Source (Hashem) after being separated and placed in a physical body. B. It’s desire to do what her Maker (Hashem)…
תורה ציוה ה’תשי”ז
Class One. The two levels of a Yid’s relationship to the Torah (based on the two levels of the Neshama this Hemshech explores): Torah that feeds a Yid ישראל אתקשראי באורייתא ואורייתא בקודשא בריך הוא Torah that needs a Yid to have it (more deeply) connect(ed) to Hashem. לשמה. דוד הי’ מקשר תורה שלמעלה עם…
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