Likutei Sichos – Vol 34 p 095~7 – Practice Shofar Blowing is Connected to Yom Kippur
The idea that in the very beginning there is the end shows itself in the idea that ‘the blowing for practice’ on the first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul is connected to Yom Kippur!
Yom Kippur inspiration,(5775/2014).
Beis Rivkah high School. ‘The Day after, thought. Beis Midrash Linashim.
SERIES ON KING IN THE FIELD, Class 12, Yom Kippur Class One.
SERIES ON KING IN THE FIELD CLASS 12, Yom Kippur Class One. Yom Kippur as it fits into the overall avoda (work or service) of the Elul/Tishrei period in the Jewish year. The super mitzvah of teshuvah.
Kinesher yair Kino 5746.
Class One. Overview of Kinesher (Haazinu) Maamar. Tomorrow (class two) we’ll read it inside IYH. The Passuk aligns exactly with the days after Yom Kippur, when the T’shuva is so high (and) that it is only positive; and it is found in the words of the two P’sukim: Kinesher… Yifros Knafav… Yisaeihu al Evraso… Hashem…
שובה ישראל התשמ”ג.
Class One. Little text was read in this class. The idea explored (which is apparently the essence of the Ma’amar) is the idea that all levels of יראה are connected because at their root is ביטול. In a similar vein all levels of תשובה are connected even the lowliest of a sinner and the loftiest…
שובה ישראל ה’תשמ”ב.
Class One. Teshuva also has two (basic) levels as discussed above about סובב כל עלמין and about יחידה 1) that comes down, 2) The way it is במקומו. This explains why its says שובה ישראל rather than שובה יעקב. Class Two. This class explored the rest of the Possuk: עד הוי’ אלוקיך many levels of…
שובה ישראל ה’תשמ”א.
Class One. There are three Teshuvos in the Pesukim שובה ישראל גו. 1) שובה ישראל עד הוי’ אלוקיך 2) קחו עמכם דברים ושובו אל הוי 3) אמרו אליו כל תשא עון גו They correspond to the three תשובות found in לקוטי תורה ד”ה מה טובו which are: 1) סור מרע, 2) עשה טוב 3) בקש…
Series on the King in the field Class 8 (Rosh Hashana)
Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 8, Rosh Hashana Class 1. When The Prayer of One Has the Power of Ten “Search for Hashem when He is close. Call Him when He is near.” (a passuk [line] from Yeshiyahu [Isaiah]). The Gemara explains that this refers to the 10 days “between” Rosh Hashana and Yom…
Rosh Hashana inspiration. (5772).
Given at Chabad of Flatbush. This class has two parts. 1) Inspiration and 2) customs. Class One. Inspiration. Class Two. Customs.
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