
Rhuziner’s Yahrtzeit

Yahrtzeit of the Heiliger (holy) (Reb Yisroel of) Rhuziner. (5557-5611 or 1797-1850) A story.

Sicha – Shavuos – When (saying) nothing isn’t nothing at all (01)

Likutei Sichos Vol 28 p 7 ff Introduction and summary of the sicha. This class is packed with information. Fascinating information about the offerings associated with Shavuos and the Chassidus that will help you prepare yourself for receiving the Torah. How do we count the days of the week before receiving the Torah?

Shlach 5759/1999 – The Story of the Meraglim (Spies)

Rabbi Paltiel begins with a concise summary of the events from just prior to the Exodus from Egypt all the way up to Moshe Rabbenu sending the spies to Eretz Yisroel. A gripping version of the story of the spies is presented leading to some deep questions and a summary of the answers provided by…