Basi Legani 5711 (Long Version) (02)
Chapters 2-3. The Seventh is most beloved. As the beginning of the undoing of the divine plan is most critical, so is the end of the correction of that divine plan most essential. The real credit, however, goes to the first (Avrohom), who started the correction. The seventh gets to finish his initiative and is…
09b. Usfartem Lachem (וספרתם לכם התשי”א) 5711, Class Two.
09b. Usfartem Lachem (וספרתם לכם התשי”א) 5711, Class Two. This class is the beginning and the end of the מאמר. Why ספירה is counted from the day after the first day Pesach, though it says ממחרת השבת.
Basi Legani 5711 (Long Version) (05)
Chapter six and seven address how positive extremism (Shtus diKedusha) affects the world in a most profound and good way.
Basi Legani 5711 (Long Version) (04)
Chapter five 1) continues the idea of chapter four, arguing that even Keilim (of Atzilus) are a “Yerida MeOhr Panav Yisbarech”, 2) The lights are in Atzilus now for Asiya later, 3) Reconfirms the idea of Dira Bitachtonim through Iskafia and Ishapcha.
22d. Re’ei (ראה) 5713 – Class Four
22d. Re’ei 5713, Class Four.This class connects this Ma’amar and the levels of Godliness and Hishtalshelus and the Godliness above Hishtalshelus to Elul and Tishrei.As this Shabbos (Re’ei) is Shabbos Mivorchim Elul. We read Re’ei as Elul approaches and enters as a provision of strength to what will follow in Elul AND Tishrei.Elul is about…
21c. Aileh Masei (אלה מסעי) 5713 (Class Three) [this part is Muga].
21c. Aileh Masei 5713 (Class Three) [this part is Muga].This short class is (only) the every beginning and the very end of this Ma’amar.It answers all the questions asked at the beginning:A. Until Moshiach comes we are going out of Mitzrayim.B. We get through Galus (the journey through ‘the desert of the nations’) with the…
Biha’alosecha 10:11 – Rejoicing at Leaving the Holy Mountain (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)
Biha’alosecha 10-11 Rejoicing at leaving the holy Mountain (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)There are four tragedies in our Parsha:1) Rejoicing at leaving Har Sinai2) Complaining at the rate of travel (מתאוננים)3) Protesting Divine Food, for the most absurd reasons (קברות התאוה)4) Miriam’s Lashon HaRa and subsequent Tzara’as.Pehaps the strangest of all is the first one:…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 18 p 018 ff – Bamidbar and Shavuos
Likutei Sichos – Vol 18 p 18 ff – Bamidbar and ShavuosThe connection between Parshas Bamidbar and its closeness to Shavuos. The three ideas of 1) סגולה and 2) ממלכת כהנים and 3) גוי קדוש connecting it to Shavuos and how they are represented in Parshas Bamidbar 1) counting all Yidden, 2) counting all Leviim,…
Bamidbar 02:02 – The Jewish camp; the Flags had symbols on them ‘BiOsos’. What were these symbols? (Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)
Bamidbar 02-02 – The Jewish camp; the Flags had symbols on them ‘BiOsos, what were these symbols? (Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).The Jewish camp was divided up into four subcamps, or ‘flags’. Each flag had a symbol (or symbolism):1) RaShI A: a color, like the color on the stone of the Choshen of the Shevet that…
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