02. Mishpatim 21:01b – The Order of the Parsha: An Attempt at Explaining the Sequence of the Halachos (02)
02. Mishpatim 21-01b. the order of the Parsha, an attempt at explaining the sequence of the Halachos, Class Two.This class begins with a brief review of what we discussed until now.We added more insight to the idea of כי כספו הוא introducing the radical suggestion that this means the financial portion of the חלק האיסור…
Yisro 18:01 – Yisro’s Seven Names
Yisro 18-01, Yisro’s seven namesAccording to the Midrashim (many are included in the PDF included here) Yisro had either 5, 6, 7 or 8 names.The meaning of these numbers. 5 and 6 represent Yechida and higher. 7 is order and 8 is its transcendence.The meaning of each of the seven (eight) names and what they…
The ‘Luchos’ (the Tablets) (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5781/2021) (03)
Topic Luchos Part Three; (Class For Parshas Teruma 5781).Two Final Points: If the first Luchos arent broken…1) There would not be forgetfulness [in Torah]2) There would be no need for Torah ShaBaal Peh, which (like all things) is both good and bad.Special focus on Luchos and the relationship to awareness of mind and the effect on…
Bo 12:06 – Bain HaArbayim
Bo 12-06. Bain HaArbayim.What does ‘between the Erevs (evenings)’ mean?1) Even Ezra- when the sun sets, which is before there’s total darkness; but the Chachomim said from after noon.2) Ralbag- Erev means mix (of light and darkness) and there are two of those: dawn and dusk and the Pesach is Shechted at the midpoint between…
HaYom Yom – 22 Tamuz (2)
(Class 2): This Class has an introduction about the upcoming 19 Kislev, the Farbrengen and the traditions. The connection between this introduction and our Hayom Yom is the idea of Avoda, the basis for the “light” of Chassidus is the work. There’s the Work (Avoda) and the light (the Ma’amar Chassidus) that follows the work….
HaYom Yom – 11 Menachem Av (2)
Hayom Yom 11 Menachem, Class Two.Some more on Reb Hilel and Hiskashrus.The Alter Rebbe’s decision to “go into Galus”.The decision to go to Mezritch; the condition (that he would would find Niglah).His brother has to go back.The Alter Rebbe goes alone.Messages from the Ba’al Shem Tov.
HaYom Yom – 18 Tamuz (1)
Hayom Yom 18 Tamuz Class 1 This class introduces (but doesn’t yet explain) this Hayom Yom. It includes a thought on ר’ משה ווילענקער and a discussion on the greatness of the Alter Rebbe’s Chassidim, both in mind and heart. Even before meeting him they came to him for a connection to Hashem.
HaYom Yom – 18 Tamuz (2)
Hayom Yom 18 Tamuz, Class 2. This class begins with a discussion on the idea of מיצר הגרון (to go from mind to heart there’s an interruption) and the need for a בכן (the point that remains and goes to the heart. We also explained what מוחין דגדלות (or פנימית המוחין והמדות) are; the reaching…
HaYom Yom – 13 Tamuz (2)
Class Two: Two Points: 1) The Rebbe considers the arrest, imprisonment, and exile as one long event (2 perspectives: Chassidim’s and the Rebbe’s own) 2) Chassidic “culture” (explained somewhat) learning and taking lessons to heart.
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