
Purim Katan 5752 (5776/ 2016).

Story of Adar 1 5752, and overview of this very important Ma’amar.

Zachor….Amaleik 5747.

Amaleik exists even in Geula until we actually enter the promised land.

Zachor … Amalaik 5745.

Amalaik, has four levels: 1) Separating the ‘face’ from the ‘rear’ of Avoda, 2) Coldness, 3) Doubt, 4) Da’as of Klipa. The answer to Amalaik is Zachor, remember from Chochma; against this Amalaik cannot compete.

Zachor 5743.

‘The road’ from Egypt means our relationship with Hashem. Before we arrive at Mattan Torah the road leads us to confront the opposition, some is raised up- Yisro. Some is destroyed- Amalaik. Though Amalaik is our ‘brother’ and Yisro is only ‘our neighbor’.

Veatta Titzave 5745

VeAtta Titzave involves Moshe and Aharon: Moshe brings Hashem to us, Torah, no time; Aharon brings us to Him, Tefilla, there is ‘night until day’ (time).

Veata Titzave’ 5741.

Said in Johannesburg, South Africa on 3 TAMUZ 5771. Three types of Rebbe, all inspiring Yidden in the matter of faith, yet each has a different method. Kasis LaMaor.

Titzave 28:39 – The Avnait (Belt) (5773/2013)

The Avnet, Gartel. The opinions regarding what the Kohein Hediot’s gartel was made of. Some drush (Alshich and Kli Yakar). The Rebbe’s Sicha, the gartel was preparatory and as such was higher than the other garments.

Titzave 28:30 – The Urim vTumim (5766)

The miraculous quality the Kohen Godol’s breastplate had was attached to the gold plate that had engraved on it the name of Hashem. How did this work and what does this mean?This class provides a fascinating look into vastly different interpretations of the Urim V’Tumim.¹ Sources include: Rashi, Even Ezra, Ramban, Ralbag, Arizal, and the…

Tetzave – Beginners Class – The Glorious and Beautiful Clothing of the Kohanim

The Glorious and Beautiful Clothing of the Kohanim. Mayaan Chai Series on Parshas Tetzaveh (5759/ 1999)

9 ADAR 2.

A mission from on high. stories anecdotes etc.