לא תהי’ משכלה ה’תשי”ב.
Class One. This classic Ma’amar discusses the question of עבודה צורך גבוה: do the Mitzvos we do make a difference on high or only to us. The answer must be both yes and no, based on the collection of מאמרי חז”ל on the subject. Accordingly our Ma’amar explores this on several levels: Level one: In…
Mishpatim 23:20 – Hinei Anochi
The angel described here that is meant to assist the Jewish people is not ordinary. This class explores various ideas regarding this particular angel and touches on the idea of angels as a whole. How could malachim (angels) be involved between G-d and the Jewish people if they had not yet sinned? Sources include Rashi,…
Vayishma Yisro 5745.
Yisro’s presence was necessary for the giving of the Torah. He represents the darkness that needs elevating, transforming and revealing the Godliness in to it and from within it. The event of Maatan Torah was all about a higher level, revealing the Godliness from, and in and through darkness. This maamar also follows the earlier…
מזבח אדמה ה’תשמ”א.
There are two מזבחות: 1) מזבח אדמה which is a reference to involvement in direct holiness, תורה ומצוות which is why it is a certainty. 2) מזבח אבנים which is a reference to the involvement in Klipa, and it is therefore written as a condition “If” one (needs) to involve himself in correcting this involvement,…
Yisro 20:02 – Anochi (5766)
This class includes Rambam, Even Ezra, Ramban, Rabbeinu bechayey, Chinuch, Ralbag, Chassidus.
Arbaa Rashei Shanim Heim 5745
Rosh Hashana is all about Tzimtzum! This Ma’amr that followed the Yud Shvat (5745) chidush of Tzimtzumim explains, that the reason for a head (of a year) is so the light can be brought lower and lower and lower, so that the Yid down here can achieve Achdus with Hashem through Avoda.
Arbaa Rashei Shanim Heim 5731.
Arbaa Rashei Shanim Heim 5731.Rabbi Paltiel presents a ma’amar of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Tu B’Shvat that discusses the concept of the “New Year for Trees” in both Halacha and Chassidus (source: Melukat, Vol.5, p.169). This shiur was presented in Shevat 5768 (January 2008) at the… Women’s and Girls’ Beis Midrash and Seminary for Higher…
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