Vayehi Bishalach Paro 5747.
Paro was the reason we entered Golus in the first place. He therefore sends us off when the task has been completed.
Amar Reb Oishiya… Tzidkas Pirzono 5743.
The Possuk which is the source of Reb Oshiya’s limud is addressing the end, the reward that will be when Moshiach comes: The pizur, the scatter and it’s challenges, will bring the infinite blessing, the Prazos. Netzach is brought forward from a King in very trying times, But it get’s you the treasure. The Nimashal…
ויבא עמלק ה’תשמ”ב.
The attack by Amalaik on the Jewish people has two basis: 1) They were weak in the hands, which means the Torah (which is not intellect but Godliness that is rooted higher than reason and extends lower) was not affecting their actions which reflects a deeper cause and source for weakness. 2) They went out…
Kimei Tzeischa MeEretz Mitzrayim… 5722.
This Ma’amar is (on the surface) very vague and difficult. The idea (seems to be) is that the splitting of sea at Yetzias Mitzrayim and of Bekias HaNahar when Moshiach comes as a preparation for the revelations of the Torah (which is Chochma) that was to follow. The Ma’amar is trying to understand how Midos…
Sicha – 3 Avos = Balance (07)
Likutei sichos – Vol 30 p 103 ff Yitzchok’s successes reflect the KIRUV that came from his Bittul. Introduction to mystical idea: the Avos were a Merkava and their nature wasn’t natural but a Merkava as well. Page 107-8.
Shabos Bishalach, 13 Shvat 5712.
After Mincha the Rebbe said a few words about the “Alter Rebbetzin.” Sara Imeinu was special among the Imahos because she was actually tested (by the Pharoe in Egypt) thus revealing her greatness from the potential to the actual state. The point of creation is that all be actualized [on the level of “Poel”]. This…
Basi Ligani 5746.
1) the Yerida and Aliya of the (original seven sins as well as all future Yeridos due to) chataim makes our effort at Dira BiTachtonim one of a Baal teshuva and Milchama Gedola achieved with Avoda Gedola (of Simcha). 2) Moshe’s giluy at Har Sinai was the beginning, the full giluy was in the Beis…
Basi Ligani 5744.
Class One. This first class is mostly the introduction. 1) The first sins were superimposed by Hashem to have a T’shuva rather than a Tzadik world. 2) This causes it to last forever as 3) darkness is addressed and transformed, 4) Tzivos Hashem achieve this with Mesiras Nefesh and Kabalas Ol, 5) The two Prakim…
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