Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5715 (02) – Sicha Three.
Class Two. Page 192-5. Merkaz Shlichus. The effect of seeing Bochurim who look like they’re from the old country and they are in fact from Boston talking about Achdus Hashem. Using this day to draw strength for this work.
Toras Menachem – Shabbos Breishis 5715 (02) Sicha Three.
Class Two. Page 99-101. When one sees miracles he’s seeing Godliness vividly. Three stories, the Rebbe does for you, what are you doing for him? 1) Monies designated for Tzedakos, 2) a Male gift, why not repay the gift with doing as the Rebbe wants, 3) beard. Son after the Frierdike Rebbe or the Tzemach…
Toras Menachem – Shabbos Breishis 5715 (01) Sicha One.
Class One. Page 97-99. Shabbos Breishis is the stage setter for the entire year, not only spiritually but also materially. Miracles help affect action, which is the most important thing.
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5714 (05) – Seventh Sicha
Class Five. Page 106-9. The Avoda Zara Tamuz and women. Not to be overwhelmed with the Parnassa concerns. Parnassa is frequently not what it seems.
Toras Menachem – K’doshim 5714 (10)-Sicha Nine (02)
Class Two: Page 253-5. Every Rebbe said the same Ma’amar as his predecessors, with his own addition and style. Hiskashrus is through Torah, though it never reaches Etzem.
Viale’ Shmos 5746 (5772/2012).
Golus has two Yeridos and Geula has two Aliyos. This is true in general: 1) Geula from Mitzrayim 2) the Geula of Moshiach and in particular: in each of these two Goliyos there are two levels of descent and two levels of ascent 1) like ascending from limitation of thought 2) Ascending from limitation of…
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