Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 228 ff – Yaakov wishes to reveal the Keitz
VaYechi The Tribes (58) Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 228 ff Ya’akov wishes to tell his children when the Geula will come and they will leave Egypt. But God doesn’t let him. How could they both be correct [as Ya’akov is a Merkava and above error]?? The answer is perspective: Ya’akov hopes to encourage…
Yehuda Ata 5746 (5772/2011).
Yehuda is Bittul. This is only experienced when it follows Reuvain (Seeing, Love), Shimon (Hearing, Fear), Levi (Connection, Joy).
VaYechi 48:16 – HaMalach HaGoel…
HaMalach haGoel… why is Yaakov blessing Yosef through a Malach? Most of this class explores three ideas in the ‘Malach:’ 1) Chakira/ Philosophy, Angels are creations and the Malach is the emissary of Hashem to bless, 2) Kabbalah, this Malach is from the Netiyo, a Sefira. [We have a discussion on ‘Nivdalim’ and Netiyos’]. 3)…
Fast Days as a whole and Asara BiTeves in particular (5778/ 2017).
1) Fasts: A. fasts are עתי רצון. B. Fasts are days of תשובה. C. Seeing tragedy and saying that it is coincidental and part of the pattern of nature is considered cruel, one must see in everything a Divine message. D. When Moshiach comes these days are transformed into Yom Tov as they were (and…
Slichos of Asara Biteves. (5773-2012).
Slichos for Asarah BiTeves. inside. The order of all the Slichos are the same, only certainly certain paragraphs are different. We learned some of those.
Sicha 10 Teves 5738 (5772/2012).
On this date in 5738 (1978), the Rebbe reintroduced the age old custom of “Divrei Kivushin”, suggesting that words of relevant mussar be spoken in an appropriate way to the community. The Rebbe did so himself and would continue doing so for years to come. 10 Teves is still in the initial stages of Golus…
Chamisha BiTeves and S’farim (5777/ 2017).
An insight into the word ספר which is the שרש for many words including the word ספירות and its four insights: 1) מספר, Everything that is counted is limited, precise but has an absolute value לא בטל. 2) סיפור והגדה it reveals and tells the story of our purpose as Jews on this earth. 3)…
Chamisha BiTEVES 5771 (two parts).
Can the spiritual idea of “Rebbe” (and the nature of the relationship between a Rebbe and Chassidim) be explained In Nigla (halachic) terms at all? Based on the Sicha of 2 NISSAN 5748, Likutei Sichos vol. 19 Shoftim P. 165 ff. and vol 23 Pinchas P. 190 ff. Part One. The Story. The question Melech…
Zaro (His children or his deeds?!) BaChayim, (5773/2012).
Zaro (His children or his deeds?!) BaChayim, (5773/2012).A new insight on Chamisha BiTeves, the seeds the Rebbe planted are waiting for us to cultivate and there’s so much possibility.
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