
The Story of Chamisha B’Teves (5767)

What could possibly have upset the Rebbe so much about “books”?

Veavdi Dovid 5747.

Now Yosef is higher than Yehuda. When Moshiach comes Yehuda will be superior. A mystical explanation.

Viavdi Dovid 5746. Acharon Shel Pesach (Muga).

This Maamar is included here as it is a Possuk from the Haftorah of Parshas Vayigash. Two opposing approaches to understanding Hashem’s purpose in creation: 1) Talmud: that is all about being close. It is the delight of Yiddishkeit. 2) Maase’: action that is about distance from Hashem and is special because it is a…

Vayigash… Koros Bateinu Arazim 5746. (5772/2011).

Mishkan’s earth is Bittul before Avoda, while the Beis HaMikdash being entirely of stone means that the Bittul permeates each aspect, still, the earth of Sota in the Beis HaMikdash is called “Karka HaMishkan” as there is an advantage to the Mishkan’s (lower) Bittul.

This is (being taught) as the third Ma’amar in a Hemshech.

וידבר אלוקים ה’תשמ”ב. This Ma’amar was taught as the third part in a series on Moshiach. In this class we explore Moshiach as a teacher of Torah. All revelation must follow Mitzrayim and concealment in order to reveal. Torah of Moshiach on the level of vision follows the darkness of Galus and the preparing for…

These two Ma’amarim are Shavuos Ma’amarim

-ועבדי דוד ה’תשמ”ב -א This, the first of two Ma’amarim that are based on a Ma’amar of the same title from ה’תרצ”ט 1939 is not normally a Shavuos title and the Rebbe addresses this anomaly. The content of the Maamar deals with the same title deals with Yehuda and Dovid, Torah and Ma’aseh. which are…

Vayigash 45:01 – Vlo Yachol Yosef… (5773/2012)

Yosef couldn’t keep the facade (secret) going anymore… Yosef cannot continue the play with his brothers and he orders everybody out so he can reveal himself to them. What is the reason for this loss of ability to hide, what had changed? Why do all the people have to leave? and why is it repeated…

Ki Ata Neiri HAVAYA 5747.

The G-Dliness reveled at the time of Chanuka , in the darkness, comes from very high. It joins with regular everyday life and light of a Yid.

Mai Chanuka 5747.

The Chanuka candles celebrate the war. The candles are the Candles of the Neshama and (Torah and) Mitzvos.

Ner Chanuka 5746. (5772/2011).

7 Mitzvos of the Ribanan, elevate the left [as if we were to say “Smol mikareves”], but only once the 613 Mitzvos diOraisa have made a Keli for the right side. This explains much about Chanuka licht: Their 1) side (left) 2) number (eight) 3) time (after dark) and location 4) (outside).