HaYom Yom – 05 Menachem Av (2)
Hayom Yom 5 Menachem Av, Class Two.Klippa is darkness and nothingness plus one more thing – thepower of suggestion. If we don’t buy into our own belief in the klipawe will find that we are dealing with a leaf in the wind. We have tostop believing in klipa’s power in order to break bad habits….
HaYom Yom – 04 Menachem Av (1)
Hayom Yom 4 Menachem Av, Class One.Chinuch.This is not in the entry of the Hayom Yom, but it is in the letter which is the source of this entry.We must appreciate that (especially by Yidden) the material and the spiritual are connected, and therefore to concern oneself with Parnassa at the expense of the chinuch…
HaYom Yom – 12 Tamuz (1)
Class One: The Birthday of the Frieridke Rebbe. Story of his birth and his early years, until he becomes his father’s right hand man.
Vaera 06:06~07 – The Four Expressions of Geulah (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2021)
06-06, 07 the four expressions of Geulah (Yeshiva Achei temimim 5782/ 2021)The four terms Hashem used to describe the stages of the Jewish people’s exodus.The question is why draw it out, why four stages and what do they mean?The class includes a Ramban, Seforna, a commentary on Midrash (בלק”ט), a Zohar and a Ma’amar (which…
Vayigash 46:29 – Yosef greets Ya’akov and Ya’akov is saying Shma (Achei Temimim 5722/ 2021)
Vayigash 46:29 Yosef greets Ya’akov and Ya’akov is saying Shma (Achei Temimim 5722/ 2021)Yosef greets his father very emotionally and Ya’akov doesn’t respond (overtly).1) The RaMbaN argues that Yaakov showed emotion and not Yosef.2) Rashi: Ya’akov was saying Shma.Explanation: at highest moments, remember HIM.3) Midrash: perhaps he wasn’t so big a Tzadik after all4) The…
Vayechi 48:08~09 – Who a re these boys? (Achei Temimim 5722/ 2021)
48-08, 09 Who are these boys? (Achei Temimim 5722/ 2021)Yaakov doesn’t recognize Menashe and Ephrayim suddenly- why? and Yosef changes his mind, how?Giving a Bracha requires Ruach HaKodesh which departs from Yaakov and Yosef argues to bring it back.Various ideas from Mifarshim and Chazal, culminating with Rashi (and the Zohar) that he sees Reshaim coming…
True Freedom (148) – Chumash: The story of Yisro’s advice and eventual departure (02)
Yisro Biha’alosecha True Freedom (148)(02) Chumash the story of Yisro’s advice and eventual departure, Class Two.It’s about getting into “the land”. What is special about the land? and how does it (and how doesn’t it) affect Yisro.
True Freedom (147) – Yisro objects to the way Moshe is judging the Yidden (04) – Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 203 ff.
Yisro True Freedom (147)(04) Likutei Sichos vol. 16 page 203 ff. Class Four. What Moshe is thinking; what Yisro argues, and why Hashem sides (actionably) with Yisro.They need to prepare for what will be “after”.
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