
The Mitteler Rebbe (02) His Chassidus 5776/2015

The Mitteler Rebbe’s Chassidus was very rich and beautiful and true. Just the way the Alter Rebbe would have wanted it to be.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 150 ff – Malachim Before and Malachim After

Vayeitze Patriarchs (21) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 150 ff Malachim before, Malachim after; When Yaakov leaves Eretz Yisroel, the local angels cannot lead him into Chutz La’aretz and new Malachim appear, while on his return, the Eretz Yisroel angels come out to greet. The reason: in the beginning they are empowering him and…

Vshavti BiShalom 5747.

Teshuva, means returning to Hashem what He anticipated and created. Teshuva is [1) Poel vs. Koach, 2)] Bli Medida vs. Medida. Musafin. This spells itself in the Pisukim ViShavti BiShalom…

ViHaya Zaracha 5722.

Class One. This shiur attempts to explain the differences between the four (basic) levels of Ohr Ein Sof our Ma’amar deals with 1) Lifnei Hatzimtzum (only Igul) 2) After the Tzimtzum in Ein Sof (Igul and Kav are together); 3) Atzilus (only ein Sof of Kav); 4) The NeHI that can split and come into…

Vayetzei 29:11 – Yaakov Kisses Rochel and Cries

Ya’akov kisses Rochel and cries, why. Rashi, Ramban, Radak, Sforno, Abarbanel, Alshich, Yonasan, Rikanti, Tanya. Mercy on the soul that goes into Golus etc.

Vayetzei 28:22 – ‘And this stone… the house of God…’

‘And this stone… the house of God…’ Yaakov makes a deal with Hashem and (according to RaShI) sets six conditions and offers one (or two) in return: The class begins with Rashi and other Rishonim but works its way towards two different explanations (according to Chassidus) to this idea of what the stone is 1)…

Vayetzei – Beginners Class – Yaakov and the Malachim Sent to Help Him

(beginners). VAYETZE 1999 – YAAKOV AND THE MALACHIM SENT TO HELP HIM Hashem sent different malachim to Yaakov for the duration of his visit to Haran and to accompany him after he returned to Eretz Yisroel. This class (from the Mayaan Chai series) is accessible to everyone. Note: This class was recorded on our old…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 122 ff / Torah Ohr Toldos (beg.) – Avrohom vs Yitzchok

Vayera Toldos Patriarchs (13) Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 122 ff / Torah Ohr Toldos (beg.) This class combines a Sicha about Avrohom and the Torah Ohr (beginning of Parshas Toldos) that helps enlighten what separated Avrohom from Yitzchok. Avrohom shone light and inspired from above, doing what appears in affect to be forcing…

Toldos 26:05 – Why Avrohom was Favored (5774/ 2013).

Why Avrohom was favored. He 1) Listened to His voice, 2) Guarded what must be guarded and (did His) 3) Mitzvos, 4) Chukim and 5) Torah. A variety of interpretations of these five ideas.