Chayey Sara 23:17~20 – Purchase of the field and the cave (5774/2013)
The purchase of the field and cave for Sara’s burial is called ‘Kima’ (it rose up) and it is repeated twice. This class explores the significance of this, ending with a Sicha that reveals the depth of the separation of the former owner from this land, even as a former owner.
Chayey Sara – Beginners Class – Overview (1999)
Beginners. CHAYE SARA 1999 – THE PHASES OF AVRAHAM AVINU’S AVODAS HASHEM CLASS. This class from the Maayan Chai series provides an overview of Avraham Avinu’s life – especially in terms of his Avodas Hashem and builds a basis for a better understanding of the Akeidah. This class is accessible to everyone and is a…
Chayey Sara – Overview (5772/2011)
An overview with some observations. Sara passes away, purchase of Mearas HaMachpeila, Yitzchok’s Shidduch. Kitura, The death of Avrohom and Yishmoel.
The Biography of the Rebbe RaShaB – Class ? -Histalkus of the Rebbe RaShaB. (5767).
The dramatic story of the Rebbe Rashab’s passing on 2 NISSAN 5680.
The Rebbe Rashab – The RaMbaM of Chassidus (5775/2014).
This class (or Farbrengen) explores the unique contribution of the Rebbe RaShaB to the philosophy of Chassidus ChaBaD. His orderly style and his resolving contradictions and streamlining of the language make his Ma’amarim far more learn-able than the Ma’amarim before him. Two ideas: 1) ‘Tun (working to understand, clarify and correct: which only a Rebbe…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 122 ff / Torah Ohr Toldos (beg.) – Avrohom vs Yitzchok
Vayera Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 122 ff This class combines a Sicha about Avrohom and the Torah Ohr (beginning of Parshas Toldos) that helps enlighten what separated Avrohom from Yitzchok. Avrohom shone light and inspired from above, doing what appears in affect to be forcing Arabs to see things his way and acquiesce…
Vayta Aishel 5748.
To reveal Havaya (G-Dliness) into the world. After Mattan Torah on a higher level.
Vyita Aishel Biveir Shava 5747.
3 explanations (all in chassidus) for Vayita Aishel. 1) Oros of Atzilus brought to Beair Sheva= Malchus, 2) Atzilus can also protect outside Atzilus (Levaya), 3) Aishel is Rama= Atik and comes into Olom in an eternal way, like rama karni (of Malchus Beis Dovid).
וה’ פקד את שרה תשמ”ג
Class one. Mazal is the source for Children, Health, and Parnassa. In the case of the Jewish people, this is the level of אין which is interpreted to be the deepest level possible. We reach and affect the מזל through an עבודה on the level of בכל מאדיך which is the יחידה. Class Two. This…
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