
Hodu LaHashem Ki Tov… 5722.

A Maamar on Halel which is a D’Rabanan. This Maamar based on the Alter Rebbe’s Hodu LaHasham Ki Tov from Halel reveals three levels of divine revelation: 1) Light and Vessels, 2) The light and the “guf” (body) and 3) Possuk katan that is even higher than guf. These three are linked to 1) DeOraisa,…

04. Lehuvin Inyan Erev Rosh Chodesh ViRosh Chodesh 5714.

Lehuvin Inyan Erev Rosh Chodesh ViRosh Chodesh 5714, Class One. This class includes Perek 2-3 of the Ma’amar that speaks of the ideas of Ohr (light) and Ahava (Love), arguing that the essence of all light and love is distance and not closeness. It discusses Ohr Yashar and Ohr and more. Lehuvin Inyan Erev Rosh…

Braishis Bara 5746.

Braishis includes the creation of 1) Heaven and earth, 2) the four letters of Hashem’s name as 3) Divided into the ten utterances of the creation. This is paralleled by the Braishis, the two firsts: Torah and Yisroel who are also divide into 1) Heaven and earth, 2) the four worlds of Torah and a…

Braishis 5744.

This Possuk is hard to understand. RaShI explains that it means the first of the things to be created were… The Zohar has trouble with this and explains that this Possuk is about the ten Sfiros. Chassidus adds that 1) the ten S’firos are created Yesh MeAyin, 2) They serve the lower worlds, as they…

בראשית ה’תשמ”ב.

Class One. We need walls to protect us in two ways: 1) Protect Klipa from coming in and getting more life than what Hashem allotted for it. [Klipa exists to give us more meaningful free will and the additional life it leaches adds to fulfilling it’s purpose of challenging our free will] 2) Prevent Klipa…

בראשית ברא אלוקים ה’תשמ”א.

Two levels of wholeness and perfection and the difference between them: 1) אלה תולדות השמים והארץ בהבראם- עולם על מילואו נברא. 2) אלה תולדות פרץ- לעתיד לבא יעלה הפורץ לפניהם. These are two levels of perfection, one in the beginning of time there everything is A. potential and not yet actual, B. limited and in…

Breishis 06:06 – Hashem’s ‘Regret and Depression’ (5774/2013)

Hashem’s ‘regret and depression’. What is the meaning of ‘His heart’ and more. RaSaG, Rashi, E. Ezra, RaMabaN, R. Becahyey, Likutei Sichos.

Breishis 01:26 – “In Our Form and In Our Image”

Man was created “in our form and our image” what could this possibly mean?

Breishis 01:01 – Breishis Bara Elokim (5767)

Commentary on the first possuk in the Torah. This class on Parshas Bereishis (Genesis) includes an extensive analysis of the very first pasuk (line) of the Torah. After describing creation, the Torah describes chaos. Commentaries discussed include Rashi, Ramban R. Bachaye, and several sichos. This is an intermediate to advanced level class.

Bayom Hashmini 5748.

Shmini Azteres is connected to and separated from Sukkos.