
כי נער ישראל ואוהבהו תשט”ז.

Class One. The heavens and the earth are linked: The lowest levels of heaven (השתלשלות) to the highest levels of earth (אצילות), and the link is revealed and obvious (גילוי ההעלם). The highest levels of heaven (עצמות) and the lowest levels of earth (בי”ע) are linked but the connection is sublime and will be revealed…

Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5713.

Class One. 1) Overview of the middle of the Ma’amar (for lack of time). Two kinds of Nekuda (point) the deeper one is when the point has no positive aspects only that it exists because Hashem made it, there is the ultimate Bittul. 2) Rosh Hashana is about malchus, which means Bittul, as does Shmini…

Lehavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5712.

Class One. This first class on this Ma’amar discusses the Biur (philosophy/ mysticism) of the Ma’amar. Neshamos are called ‘Kol HaNikra BiShmi…’. This means that all of Godliness (anything other than Him) even the highest light, is brought forth by Neshamos. In addition since we emerge as separate beings (as opposed to Torah, which is…

Yehi Hashem Elokeinu Imanu 5747.

On Sukkos the Achdus of Sukka (simple) raises us up and the unity of the four kinds (complicated) creates a deeper unity still. All this is rooted in humility. This allows us to be worthy of very great blessings – “Like our Fathers”.

Ulkachtem Lachem 5744.

Sukkos is all about Achdus in various aspects: 1) The Four Minim are all naturally inclined towards divisiveness, but they are never the less unified; they become the basis for the Achdus of Lulav: joining together for the Mitzvah of Daled Minim. 2) The Sukka itself unifies (in theory) all the Jews in the world….

וחג האסיף התשמ”ג

The system of unity (as explained here) is three steps: 1) division, 2) unification, 3) Oneness (where no parts exist at all, as all the parts are part of one complex purpose). In this מאמר this idea plays itself out in four things: 1) The harvest, 2) The Sukka, 3) The Four Minim Lulav etc,…

Hashamayim Kisi (Kedoshim), 5746.

This classic Rosh Chodesh Maamar is linked specifically to Rosh Chodesh Iyar, Parshas Kedoshim and Sefiras HaOmer. Hashamayim Kisi and its juxtaposition against Parshas Kedoshim. There seems to be contradiction here. The Haftorah discusses our work and the Parsha suggests that all is about Hashem. Is it about G-d or about man? The answer: it…

Hashamayim Kisi (Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan) 5745.

The heaven is a chair means that it brings Godliness down and the earth is His footstool which means the raising of the world up. Both these ideas are found in the Torah (Torah SheBiksav and SheBaal Peh) and in the learners of the Torah (Yidden) and in the world.

26 Iyar (5777/ 2017)(Six Day War)

The story of the six day war through the prism of the Rebbe. Mivtza Tefillin was introduced two days before the war. The Rebbe explained (by citing two Gemaros) that Tefillin 1) preserve the soldier, 2) Cause the enemy to be so afraid that he doesn’t fight in the first place. The מאמרים והי’ ביום…

Sefer HaSichos – 22 Shvat 5748 – Mishpatim 5748

The Sicha the day of the Rebbetzin’s Levaya about Ahavas Yisroel making nichum aveilim DeOraisa. The Sicha of Shabbos Mishpatim 5748 about the initiating of new mosdos in her name.