
Sefer HaSichos – Inyana shel Toras Hachassidus (Overview)

Beis Rivkah seminary (5776/2015) In this class the entire Sicha was over-viewed in the following order: 1) Perek 4-5, What is Chassidus, Yechida, an indivisible point that is infinite and completely without definition or form. 2) Perek 1-2, 4 ideas that are Chassidus and the question: any system with more than one priority, needs to…

בסוכות תשבו ה’תשמ”ב.

Class One. This part of the Ma’amar deals with the meaning of בסוכות תשבו שבעת ימים. Taking something that is in and of itself temporary and making it permanent. It is true of סוכה and of all Mitzvos. It is -really- the prescription for דירה בתחתונים. Class Two. In this class the discussion is about…

בסוכות תשבו ה’תשמ”א.

Class One. Korbanos and Ketores both involve fire (light) and shade (darkness that is above light). But in Korbanos it is about the fire and the (visible heat and) light; and in Ketores it is about the shade and darkness. Korbanos: 1) bring close, 2) are a service of the mind, 3) reach -only- the…

A Hakhail Ma’amar.

Moshe gathers the Jews and speaks first of Shabbos and then of the Mishkan; which is the opposite of how Hashem inspired him, where Shabbos was last. The Rebbe explains that these Pesukim are describing Hakhail; where the first step is Shabbos: Bittul followed by bringing Hashem into each aspect of life: The Bais HaMikdash.

Farbrengen 5776.

Hakhail year. Part one. Introduction, story lesson and blessings. Part Two. Hakhail, a creation of the Rebbe straight from the times of the Bais HaMikdash. children Yiras Hashem, like Har Sinai. An entire year. Part Three. Sukkos provides the basis for two big ideas that we need always: joy and Unity. Joy and especially (the…

Farbrengen 5776, Hakhel year.

Farbrengen 5776, Hakhel year. Part one. Introduction, story lesson and blessings. Part Two. Hakhail, a creation of the Rebbe straight from the times of the Bais HaMikdash. children Yiras hashem, like Har sinai. An entire year. Part Three. Sukkos provides the basis for two big ideas that we need always: joy and Unity. Joy and…

Farbrengen 5772. The Nigunim of Sukkos.

1. Oim Ani Choma. Oim Ani Choma, Galus truly reveals why Yidden are Hashem’s people. 2. Ailu VaAilu Omrim Ashrei Mi …. Yashuv. The connection between Simchas Bais HaShoaiva and Teshuva. Ailu VaAilu Omrim Ashrei Mi SheLo Chata…Yashuv… 3. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim. Halelu es Hashem Kol Goyim- Sukos is a holiday for non-Jews…


Talk (5770). Some history stories and insight. Talk (5771). Parnasa. It’s all about faith. Talk (5771). The joy of Sukkos in the Beis Hamikdash is the closest thing to how we serve Hashem in Golus. Teshuva- overcoming obstacles. What is Simchas Basi Hashoaiva (5775/2014). The Gemarah explains what was done with the water in the…


(from a Farbrengen on Sukkos 5774). Short Version. Ideas from Ushpizin: 1) We are meeting the Ushpizin when we walk into Hashem’s space (the Mitzva of Sukka), 2) It is the idea of ‘Panim Chadashos’ (like at Sheva Brachos) to keep the Simcha of Sukkos fresh for seven days, 3) It is a Shmira as…

Class #18.

Insight into several core aspects of Chassidic life – l’chaim, joy, fabrengen and dancing. This installment is full of interesting stories of Chassidim and Chassidic life that you will not hear elsewhere. Please note: The crunchy noise at the beginning only lasts 15 seconds. MP3