
Shoftim 16:18 – Give Enforcers to Your Gates – First Possuk Series (5767/ 2007)

Shoftim 16-18 (5767/ 2007) – Give Enforcers to Your Gates – First Possuk SeriesShoftim installment of First Pasuk in the Parsha series

Maamarim- 2 IYAR

Maamarim connected to 2 IYAR. Gan Naul… Gal Naul… 5747.

Tzav – Structure of the Discussion of the Korbanos (2007)

Tzav 2007 – Meaning of the Structure of the Discussion of the Korbanos

Stories of the Lubavitcher Rebbe – Gimmel Tammuz Fabrengen

Stories of the Lubavitcher Rebbe – Gimmel Tammuz Fabrengen MP3

Shlach 15:38 – Beginner’s Class – Tzitzis (1999)

A Beginners classA great shiur on Tzitzis including history and more

Chamisha Asar (15) B’Shevat – A Letter to Mr. Bezbaradka

Chamisha Asar (15) B’Shevat – A Letter to Mr. Bezbaradka (5764)In this TuB’Shvat talk, Rabbi Paltiel discusses a letter written by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to a personal friend named Bez Baradka (a scientist) on the occasion of Tu B’Shvat. The letter was written in 1944 (before Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson became Rebbe) and is published…