10b. LiYehudim Haysa Orah (ליהודים היתה אורה) 5712-2
Class Two. The Rebbe develops the word idea further. He argues that words come from the essence but they are enlightened and given life from the ‘Midos’ (attributes, Sfiros). This means that the world which is created from His essence [this, the lowest world] has light by passing through the higher ones. In Galus, however,…
009 Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – (יום טוב של ראש השנה) 5666 (In Depth Version) – Class 09
09. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Nine.How the RaMbaM’s words on the connection between Shofar and Teshuva include all three ideas of מלכיות זכרונות ושופרות continued. זכרונות- being remembered on a level that is 1) individual and 2) unforgettable; how that would work on High, and what we need to…
02b. Lehuvin Inyan Simchas Torah (תורה להבין ענין שמחת תורה) 5712 – Class 2
02b. Lehuvin Inyan Simchas Torah (תורה להבין ענין שמחת תורה) – 5712, Class Two. This class talks about Simchas Torah. We dance and bring Joy to the Torah. The question is who are we to do so, especially on the level of the Torah called Matana (a gift). The answer is that we are masters…
02a. Lehuvin Inyan Simchas Torah (תורה להבין ענין שמחת תורה) 5712 – Class 1
02a. Lehuvin Inyan Simchas Torah (תורה להבין ענין שמחת תורה) – 5712, Class One. This first class on this Ma’amar discusses the Biur (philosophy/ mysticism) of the Ma’amar. Neshamos are called ‘Kol HaNikra BiShmi…’. This means that all of Godliness (anything other than Him) even the highest light, is brought forth by Neshamos. In addition…
03b. Vayikach Hashem… Vayanichaihu BiGan Eden (ויקח ה”א את האדם) 5712 – Class Two.
03b. Vayikach Hashem… Vayanichaihu BiGan Eden (ויקח ה”א את האדם) 5712, Class Two. In the Avodah of Ahava there is also Olom (Ahava Murgash), Nefesh (Bilti Murgash), and Shana (Sechel which is in between Murgash and Bilti Murgash). On this basis he explains the need for Shmira (from the Murgash element) even in Gan Eden.
002 Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – (יום טוב של ראש השנה) 5666 (In Depth Version) – Class 02
Shofar is a Mitzvah on three levels: 1) one of the 248 specific Mitzvos (compared to individual limbs), 2) A general Mitzvah (I like to call them ‘Super-Mitzvos’) like the organs the body cannot live without, the brain, the spinal cord etc., 3) The revealing of the place Yidden and Hashem are one.All this is…
03b. ViAile Hamishpatim (ואלה המשפטים) – 5711, Class Two.
03b. ViAile Hamishpatim (ואלה המשפטים) – 5711, Class Two. Moshe actually is needed to give Da’as even to the Neshamos of ‘Zera Adam’ (Atzilus). In other words they also need Moshe Rabbeinu. To them Moshe is giving the Da’as of ‘Tachlis Hayedia shelo naiduacha’, which means: “the end of knowledge is to know that we…
04b. Ki Tisa (כי תשא) – 5711, Class Two.
04b. Ki Tisa (כי תשא) – 5711, Class Two. In this class we learn about the need for Moshe Rabbeinu: Every Jew has in his Neshama Emuna but it can be makif, like the thief who prays that Hashem grants him success at theft. The internalization of faith, comes from Moshe who because of his…
04a. Ki Tisa (כי תשא) – 5711, Class One.
04a. Ki Tisa (כי תשא) – 5711, Class One. Emuna is discussed in this class. The Ma’amar explains that a Goy has Emuna only on the level of Mimalei Kol Almin. He explains that even on this level there is a difference between Knowledge and Emuna. By Yidden there are three levels of Emuna: 1)…
09a. Usfartem Lachem (וספרתם לכם התשי”א) 5711, Class One.
09a. Usfartem Lachem (וספרתם לכם התשי”א) 5711, Class One. This class begins with the three opinions whether ספירת העומר nowadays is מדאורייתא or מדרבנן. The רבינו ירוחם distinguishes between the count of days which he considers Biblical and the count of weeks which he considers Rabbinic. The class explores how this could be by explaining…
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