
Teruma 25:23 – The SHULCHAN (02a)

Class Two (part 1). This part includes Rabeinu Bechayey, Rikanti and Shel”ah.

Ki Tisa 32:01 – The חטא העגל – (Machon Chana 5777/ 2017)

The עגל הזהב and what relates to it (Machon Chana 5777/ 2017)The same thing is wonderful for one and terrible for another based on their level of faith (and sense of unity). 1) כרובים היו מותרים אחרי מתן תורה -ולהרמב”ן- זה הי’ כונת אהרון בעשיית העגל, אלא שקלקלו הערב רב, ואחר כך אסר הקב”ה כרובים…

Ain Mukdam UMeuchar BaTorah (Rashi)

One of the constant issues in the Torah is chronology. The Gemara says the Torah isn’t written in a chronological order. The question is how far from the chronology is the Torah. Two classic commentators debate this question fiercely- Rashi and the Ramban. Rashi holds that invoking “Ain Mukdam uMeuchar…” is quite liberal, while the…

Ki Tisa 32:01 – The חטא העגל – The RaMbaN (5767)

32-01. The Ramban (5767). The Ramban has a very unique understanding of the story of the Egel. Aharon intended it to be a representation of G-Dly gevura. It didn’t work out that way and a new prohibition was added as a precaution.This is an intermediate level class on the golden calf. The class provides a…

Ki Tisa 32:01 – The חטא העגל – Machon LiYahadus (5763/ 2003)

The first version Machon LiYahadus (5763/ 2003).How could the Yiden have made an eigel (Golden Calf) so soon after recieving the Torah? This class was given at Machon Chana (5763). An introductory level lecture on the perplexing question of how the Jewish people got involved in making a golden calf¹. This class is not text…

Vayakhel 38:08 – The Copper Mirrors (5768)(01)

The mirrors Moshe hesitated to take were the most precious offering Yidden gave in building the Mishkan. These mirrors had contributed to the birth of the Jewish nation. Some commentary. Class One. Class Two. Vayakhel Copper Mirrors Class OneSources: Rashi, E. Ezra, Ramban, Tosefos, Ralbag, Shach – 60.51 MB (size will be reduced to half)

Bichukosai 26:14-15- (1) 16- (2) 18- (3) 21- (4) 23- 24- (5) 27- 28; the Sequences of 7 in the Kalalos (curses) (Achei Temimim 5782/2022)

Bichukosai 26- 14- 15- (1) 16- (2) 18- (3) 21- (4) 23- 24- (5) 27- 28; the sequences of 7 in the Kalalos (curses).This class explores the difference between the klalos in our Parsha and in Parshas Tavo.Here there are 49 and there there’s 98.Here there’s a pattern five times over.RaShI lists ‘the seven sins’;…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 17 p 255 ff – Tzedaka

Likutei Sichos – Vol 17 p. 255 ff.This is a RaShI Sicha. The mention of Tzedaka right in the middle of the Moadim (in Parshas Emor) teaches us about the perfect Tzedaka, which keeps a person alive (not for luxuries) that is given as unconditionally as are Korbanos.