
Kedoshim 19:16. Lashon HaRa (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)

Kedoshim 19-16. Lashon HaRa (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).This class deals with Rechilus and Lashon HaRa.There are many sources cited:1) Toras Kohanim In judgement: don’t be hard to one and soft to another; after the verdict don’t disclose that you were more lenient. 2) Gemara Pesachim Don’t testify as a single witness. That accomplishes nothing…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 17 p 193 ff – Teshuva Kapara (Vidui) (01)

Likutei Sichos vol.17 page 193 ff. Teshuva Kapara (Vidui), Class One.This first of two classes takes in the Teshuva and Kapara ideas.There’s Kapara by itself (of which there are four as ר’ מתיא בן חרש says.There’s teshuva by itself of which there are also four (at least according to the Akeida.)But then there’s where Teshuva…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 17 p 131 ff – Siyum on Meseches Kinim

Likutei Sichos – Vol 17 p. 131 ff.A brilliant Siyum on Meseches Kinim.Where Aggada supports Halacha and Halacha makes the Aggada INTO an Halacha. The Din a Korban based on a (subsequent) is EQUAL to the original Korban, as are the seven sounds produced from the dead animal to the one sound produced from the…

Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020)(02)

Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020), Class Two.The Rabbeinu Bechayey’s take on Gid HaNasheh, that we should live higher more meaningful and sublime lives rather than lower and cruder lives.Involvement in lowly things will make us low (and forgetful) while involvement in lofty things raises us.

Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020)(06)

Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020), Class Six.The second Zohar (Part 2b):Only Moshe has Nevua on all three levels of ChaBaD and ChaGaS and NeHI; the rest only have it in the NeHI level.Thus the expression (by a Novi) in Chassidus: “Chakika” it is carved (not integrated). This is also the fault of Aisav’s Malach hitting…

Tazria words (01): Baheres, Se’ais, Sapachas (Yeshivas Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)

Tazria words, Class One: Baheres, Se’ais, Sapachas (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).In these Parshiyos there are a number of words that one can consider ‘borrowed’. They are (arguably) in their root meant to mean the way the Torah uses them. We are attempting to explore some of them.This class explored three words:בהרת: This word actually…

Tzav 06-02, 07, 18; 07-01, 11 Zos Toras… (Class Two) The Sforna

Tzav 06-02, 07, 18; 07-01, 11 Zos Toras… (Class Two) The Sforna.The question of why the laws of all the Korbanos are repaeted twice (adding just few details the second time) once in Vayikra and then again in Tzav, is explained by the appearance (five times (!!)) in Tzav of the phrase: זאת תורת.The Sforna…

Tzav 06:02, 07, 18; 07:01, 11 Zos Toras… (Class One).

Tzav 06-02, 07, 18; 07-01, 11 Zos Toras… (Class One). Three levels of recording Halachos in Chumash A. explicitly and in detail, like Korbanos (גופי תורה) B. things that are hinted in the Chumash and the rest we learn in Torah SheBaalPeh (הררים התלויים בשערה), C. ideas that are NOT AT ALL in Torah ShbiKsav,…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 17 p 016 ff – Translating a word and putting it in context ונמצה with a ה.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 17 p. 16 ff. Translating a word and putting it in context ונמצה with a ה.This unusual word means to draw (fluid) out of another substance, has many possibilities, and RaShI searches and finds the prefect references in TaNaCh to support it.This RaShI Sicha rings with precision and ends with a…

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/2020)(01)

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020), Class One.1) RaMbaMJust how important is the Bris Mila, it separates us from others and thirteen Brisos were written in regards to it2) MidrashThe Bris corrects an inexactitude in the “perfect body” G-d made, the controversy regarding this is self-evident.