Class 40
Part 3: Questions regarding Korbanos. Kabbala versus Chakira. By Korbonos Torah says MY korbon, MY bread for MY fire. MY is Hashem. Philosophers have a problem with the concept of Hashem eating, so they said that the korbonos are really food for the melachim that are called Eishim. The problem with this is that it…
Class 39
Part 2: All Maamarim are from the Alter Rebbe (from the Maggid and the Baal Shem Tov). Later Rabbeim added commentary but usually used the same dibur hamaschil (opening posuk.) Reb Brachya is a Dira b”Tachtonim Maamar. There are two different concepts of dira b’tachtonim in Tanya. In perek 37 is the “Alter Rebbe”s Dira…
Class 38
Part 1 Hemsheichim (Series) – their structure and purpose. Overview of maamarim in general and a hemshech in particular. A Hemshech is a maamar that is way too long to speak at one time so it is broken up in smaller segments, each with its own divrei Hamaskhil (the address of the maamar) and a…
Class # 37
Part 19: (text p 41 5 lines from bottom) TZIMTZUM K’PSHUTO, LO K’PSHUTO. The Alter Rebbe says that Hashem is not only still here in creation, but is more revealed than when the light was here and shining.Think about an eclipse. The light is also here although not revealed to us, but Hashem sees the…
Class # 36:
Part 18: (p. 40 bottom) TZIMTZUM K’PSHUTO, LO K’PSHUTO Entire reality is only words of Hashem. Hashem makes the chomer (raw material) and the tzura constantly, but we can’t see G-dliness. Hashem wants us to think that we exist, and to buttel ourselves to Him, i.e. make from the YESH, AYIN. When Hashem wanted to…
Class # 35
Part 17: Inside p. 40 The only chidush in creation is the LIE, the Yeshus. Hashem made the world out of Himself. It is from G-tlikeit. The world is false. It is the koach of Elokim that creates the things we see. Independent existence is a myth. Hashem needs to constantly keep creating the YESH…
Class # 34
Part 16: Ain Koach Chosar poel Lemaala- YESHUS is only CHIDUSH Four Levels: EFES, AYIN,EFSHARI YESH, YESH. What is the difference before maase? The Ruchnius of the world exists but not the goshmius (in a later maamar the Rebbe says even the goshmius exists but not the yesh.) Yeshus is the LIE that says I…
Class # 33
Part 15: p. 39-40. EFES, AYIN, EFSHARI HAYESH, YESH First thing is Efes, a non world – one infinite Ain Sof with infinite sefiros. Then Hashem “thinks” that He wants a world, and 10 sefiros are designated from the infinite number of sefiros to make the world, but its still swimming in a sea of…
Class # 32
Part 14: Inside p. 39. YESH MEAYIN / ILA V’ALUL Cont. Yesh meayin = yesh meyesh. ILA V’ALUL is involved in seder hishtalshelus. Examples: 1) potter’s clay egg changed to a bowl. or 2)Sechel and Middos. Middos already exist in Sechel, only they come out in the heart. YESH MEAYIN – the AYIN is from…
Class # 31
Part 13: YESH MEAYIN vs. ILA V’ALUL- 2 types of cause and effect. Speech: a) Words are separate from the person b) can only speak one word at a time c) and with a limited amount of energy. ILA V’ALUL = cause and effect = something from something else – maker and made. YESH MEAYIN…
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