
Achdus 092

Perek 2, Nevua (1) This class addresses the question of Hashem living in a house, arguing what the philosophers (יש מפרשים) say: that the presence of Hashem in the Beis Hamikdash is like Korbanos. Class one on Prophecy: Nevua is about people (not Hashem.) That man can reach a level where he is worthy שתשרה…

Achdus 091

Answer to korbanos continued A) the Birur of Klipa accomplishes: revealing אורות דתהו in תיקון and consequently B) the אורות דעקודים 3. Three represents התכללות, which is אין סוף בציור אדם. This is the significance of three here (through קרבנות) as well.

Achdus 090

The answer to the question of קרבנות is introduced here. Kabbalah holds עבודה צורך גבוה בניחותא and what we do affects אלקות in אצילות. We introduced the idea of כלים which adds more אור.

Achdus 089

Chakira and Kabbalah Part three. This last class on these two theologies relates to the question of עבודה צורך גבוה. “Could anything we do matter and “touch” Hashem? Chakira says no, and Kabbalah says yes. . But Kabbalah’s yes, needs qualifying: What we do matters to “G-dliness” (or: אלקות,) an idea which is altogether foreign…

Achdus 088

Chakira vs Kabbalah class two. According to חקירה intellect is Truth (or Hashem.) Anything outside of intellect is false and foolish. According to קבלה, intellect is a creation which doesn’t limit the Creator. This is expressed in the question of נמנעות. Chakira says יש לנמנעות טבע קיים and קבלה argues that Hashem is נמנע הנמנעות….

Achdus 087

Third class on Reb Brachia (end of Perek 1 beginning of Perek 2) about Karbanos and Beis Hamikdash The questions are: what is the meaning of Hashem’s “food” and house? The Rebbe RaShaB in each case brings a יש מפרשים which he then refutes. The יש מפרשים are the חוקרים; we explore the two theologies…

Achdus 086

Class Eighty Six. The idea of דירה בתחתונים continued. Only in this world is there תשובה because there are sparks of תוהו. If and when they are released, they join together סובב with ממלא. This can not happen in the worlds of תיקון, which have “room” only for ממלא. This is the Rebbe RaShaB’s דירה…

Achdus 085

Class Eighty Five. This first class of the מאמר ר’ ברכי’ פתח תרמ”ג included the questions in פרק א and the (beginning of the) answers in פרק י”ח. This is the רבי רש”ב’s דירה בתחתונים. הניח מה שלמעלה בשביל מה שלמטה The question is why? The answer is דירה בתחתונים where opposites come together (in…

Achdus 084

Class Eighty Four. 1) One does שמע ישראל… thinking about Hashem. 2) This causes a ואהבת… a desire to have Him. 3) This desire is realized (in truth) through והיו הדברים וגו’ וקשרתם וגו’ וכתבתם על מזוזות וגו’ ובשעריך, through Torah and Mitzvos. 4) This, however, will not be felt until לעתיד לבוא. What we…

Achdus 083

Class Eighty Three. This is the 2nd to the last class on this ma’amar. 1) The first step is שמע וגו, contemplating G-dliness. 2) The second step is ואהבת, wanting G-dliness. 3) The third step is HAVING Him. This is through והיו הדברים האלה וגו’ על לבבך etc.- Yiddishkeit is the answer. The story of…