
Achdus 082

Class Eighty Two. The recognition of Hashem creates a desire for Bittul (revelation of Him and Oneness with Him) on two levels. 1) The animal Soul can be affected by education and inspiration– גילויים even now 2) The body cannot experience Bittul unless it is Atzmus (the G-dliness within the body itself) which won’t be experienced…

Achdus 081

Class Eighty One. The Hisbonenus creates a desire for HIM and not anything less The Possuk מי לי בשמים ועמך לא חפצתי בארץ

Achdus 080

Class Eighty. Beginning of Perek 3. When one considers (contemplates) Hashem he wants Him to be revealed and known. This (short) class is a review of the Hisbonenus.

Class seventy nine

This class is page 41 in תרמ”ג. The second level of לא שניתי when הוי’ה refers to אור אין סוף is that the creation is truly (still) “within” the אין סוף as the צמצום is שלא כפשוטו. Incidentally, we explore two aspects of ממלא כל עלמין: A. that it gives life B. that there is…

Class 76

Class 21: DAAS- Elyon and Tachton, Rachamim of Murgash, Romemeus Emuna begins where sechel ends. Place of faith is Sovev. Daas = Maturity. Daas Tachton – Daas with a subjective hergesh (feeling). To feel Rachamim for another (animal) it must touch you (you could boil a lobster but not a cat.) Daas Elyon comes from…

Class 75

Class 20: ATZILUS (continued). ARIZAL- the Ein Sof can be OHR PNIMI to keilim like neshama and guf. What happens when we put Ohr Ain Sof into Adam Haelyon? Ramak: The Light lifts up the kelim and bittels them a drop (Davenning and Torah). Arizal: The light comes in and descends down here – a…

Class 74

Class 19: Atzilus part 1: ATZILUS- allows for a real relationship with HASHEM. In hemshech ayin-beis there are 4 definitions of the word Sefira. 1) a number 2) Light that shines and reveals misaprim 3) a sefer and 4) a Sipur the source of the sefer. In Atzilus is the joining of Oros (infinite) with…

Class 73

Class 18: ANOCHI- took us out of every MITZRAYIM. Review Speech and inside p. 117 7 lines from bottom.Speech is mostly Malchus with a little Chochma. When Hashem uses speech to create the world, it is only a HaAra from Malchus – Chitzonius. Yesh M’Ayin is only a HaArah. Perek tes. Anochi Havaya Eloka…Who took…

Class 72

Class 17: Chochma – identifies which sound should come from a given motza. Tziruf into words, sentences etc. The Root of letters is from Atzmus. Chochma carries the osios into Malchus, where the light is diminished and the individual oisios can emerge, first by being divided into 5 categories: the throat, the tongue, the lips,…

Class 71

Class 16: Six Middos, twelve Gevulei Alachson in Malchus. Numbers bli gvul. MOSHOL: Steps in building a house. 1) a Ratzon – a wanting to have – not realistic –>2) Chochma a flash – possibility to make it real –> 3) Bina – a house is now many bricks, windows, is it worth it to…