Class 60
Class 5b: Inside sif gimmel p 110; then p 111 15 lines down. Nimshal for SOVEV. Review: GILUY is revelation a) to a zulas (hislabshus) b) zulas must get it (tefisa) c) the zulas determines what can be given. HELEM is hidden. a) there is no need for a zulas b) a zulas doesn’t need…
Class 59
Class 5a: Special shiur. ACAHALIFU DUCHTAYHU, HISKALELUS. question and answer, rejection. Through this inyan, we can see the development of an idea in chassidus by the Rebbe Rashab. In our maamar in 5643 The Rebbe concludes that the inyan needs much further investigation, while in 5672 it is explained smoothly with no problems. ACAHALIFU DUCHTAYHU…
Class 58
Class #4: Mashal for Sovev. Nimshal of Memalei (continued). Ratzon = fluidity of the body = is not a koach but a force that takes the 613 parts and makes them work together. Ratzon – automatic vs need to concentrate. EVED PASHUT has no relationship to his master, just does what he is told, no…
Class 57
Class #3: Mashal for Sovev Kol Almin (continued). Inside perek 3 p110 5 lines down. Review: Neshama in a guf is a mashal for memale. Ohr,chayas, koach = Sovev, Memale, energy. Mashal for Sovev is Ratzon. Ratzon doesn’t have a specific place. It is both nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Ratzon can be…
Class 56
Class #2: Mashal for Memalei Kol Almin vs. Sovev. Inside perek beis p 109. In Seder Hishtalshelus is 2 aspects. Memale kal Olmin and Sovev kal Olmin. MEMALE = Ohr pnimi = hislabshus = Giluy (REVEALED)= Yosher = I got it. SOVEV = Ohr makif (NOT surrounding , inside but hidden) = Ma’avir =Helem =…
Class 55
Class #1: Emuna and Daas. Intro to Maamar. Zohar: Matzo is bread of Emuna, it nourishes yiddishe emuna.Q1 How is it that lechem gashmi can m’farnes emuna in Yidden. Q2 Kisvei Arizal: A) Matzo is katnus Abba. B)Matzo is nekuda tachas hayesod = malchus = bittel. How can Matza be katnus abba (chachma, sechel) and…
Class 54
Summary of the first ma’amar. The following three classes are on the next Ma’amar (Ha’umnam) and a summary of the third Ma’amar of this Hemshech, VeHinei Ksiv. They are from 5763/2003. They are being included (unedited) as they are not found in the 5766 series of these classes and would benefit many. Class 54A. Perek…
Class 53
16 Memalei Kol Almin – maashal from the neshama. Review: Zman and Makom Atzmi vs Zman and Makom that can be counted. One space for all Nivraim (Sovev) or each nivra makes its own space (memale). Is the Aibishter the Source of the world? The Source needs creation to be fulfilled and exist. So the…
Class 52
15 Makom #3 – Types of makom, what the argument is about. Time and Space are creations. Others say that Time and Space don’t exist at all. Physical space is memale Kol Almin, Ruchniusdike space is Sovev. Neshamas come from Memale. the Chomer, the Guf comes from sovev. Makor (source) exists for what will come…
Class 51
14 Makom class #2 The idea of makom. The chidush that it is a nivra. Does everything have its own personal space (memale kol almin) or is there one big universal space for the whole creation (sovev kol almin?) Both are True. Time and Space are creations, but normally a metzius pushes away another metzius….
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