Class 89
Part 11: V’Avrohom Zakain 5644. Mashpia – Mkabel. Aibishter-Yidden, Shemesh-Levana. Levana needs a hisorrerus to bring forth hidden light. Yidden are implanted with Torah and Mitzvos. Then we bring Torah down to the level of Sechel, Torah SHe’b’al pe, a new division of Torah. Difference between Shemesh -kedusha and Chama – klipa. Sif zayin inside:…
Class 88
Part 10: Sun-Moon = Mashpia-Mkabel. then the mkabel becomes a mashpia. To be mkabel need to be bittul b’atzmus. How can a mekabel have more than a mashpia? Mashpia is a metzius; mkabel is bittul=koach of Atzmus Ain sof. Moon doesn’t have a revealed light of its own, but in L’asid lavo her atzmus will…
Class 87
Part 9: Middos cont. Middos are in response to external stimuli. 3 choices only. Right, Left, Center. Chessed, Gevurah, Tiferet. A metzius is an existence with form. Metzius (gashmius) is not exact. Middle is contrary to form. A corner can only exist in ruchnius, it does not exist in gashmius. The middle comes from a…
Class 86
Part 8: Discussion about Middos. Something that is infinite is hidden and can’t be expressed, something that is expressed can’t be infinite. Middos of Atzilus are infinite, in order to be expressed the middos combine together and dilute each other to make themselves functional in a dira b’tachtonin. 12 Geulei HaAlaxanim. Every existence has 3…
Class 85
Part 7: Yichud ZuN; Sun and Moon. p 157 Yichud – Chava separated from Adam. Now she is bittul to him again on a higher level and can get all of his hashpaah. Yichud Z”un: example Sun and Moon. New Moon – Moon maximally bittul to receive Haspaah (light) from the sun. Then she starts…
Class 84
Part 6: Binyan HaMalchus p.157. Review of Adam and Chava, Sod Shoresh, Binyan Malchus. Rosh Hashana is the time for binyan Malchus – Sod Tosefes. In the beginning of creation Hashem is a ruler, a dictator, who only gives to his subjects the minimum necessary to remain in control. Hashem wants to be a king,…
Class 83
Part 5: Marriages Yechudim. Mashpia to m’kabel. Adam and Chava. The whole creation is a series of yichudim. Mashpia to m’kabel. Mashpia gives a pintele, an inspiration and then the m’kabel creates = ohr chozer. SOD SHORESH = Mystical secret of the world as it is created by Hashem (minimum.) SOD TOSEFES = Mystical secret…
Class 81
Part 3: Mazal from above. B’gashmius Aretz Yisroel and Har Hermon (levanon). B’Ruchnius Levanon = lev [32 paths of chochma] Nun 50 gates of bina, higher than Seder Hishtalshelus (7 Middos). Galgalim – 70 nations under malachim from galgal 8. Yidden from ayin – higher. 13 middos harachamim. Mayim Tachtonim – work, earn, get, rain…
Class 80
Part 2: Hashem remembered Sara and gave her a child – Hashem remembered the earth and gave rain. How are these two related? Do children, health, and parnusa (rain) depend on mazal, (often translated as luck, as if Hashem is not involved,) or on one’s earned merit? Actually, MAZAL is a drip, a spiritual source,…
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