
Class 09

Malachim are nivdal (separate) with a self identity. Sefiros are netiyos, lights of Hashem with no self identity, but are bittul to the Aibishter. Havaye and Elokim like right and left hand of a person. A Moshol M’chuvan is an exact moshol from the Torah chosen by the Rebbeim that conforms to the nimshal in…

Class 08

Tzimtzum HaRishon – siluk (removal) of ohr, kav breaks through. Tzimtzum in seder hishtalshelus – quantitative diminution of light. Parsa – qualitative change in the Ohr. The light is called Ohr Ein Sof down to malchus of Atzilus and Ohr haneshama from there on down.

Class 07

Words reveal and conceal. Sanhedrin would deliberate all night in capital cases so as not to lose the etzem of their lines of reasoning. Hillel’s teva is chessed while Shammai’s teva is gevura. Both brought valid arguments and posukim to uphold their positions. KLAL GADOL: Etzem can NOT be revealed.

Class 06

Etzem vs. Giluyi. The etzem CAN NOT be revealed. If something is revealed it is NOT the etzem. Ohr vs. Ha’arah. Each Tzimtzum is two tzimtzumim. The neshama as it is l’myla has one koach, whereas the neshama in the guf has 613. The 613 are also present when the neshama is l’myla (above) but…

Class 05

Hava Amina Teretz and refutation. (revealing through hiding). Elokim brings Havaye to us by blocking most of Havaye so the underlying chitzonius ohr can be seen. Moshol of white light that divides into a rainbow. Moshol of the Neshama as it is above vs the neshama in a guf with its differentiated powers. The Rebbe…

Class 04

OROS and KEILIM- two opposite systems. Atzilus is the light of Hashem revealed. Here the Oros and kelim come together. There are 4 basic characteristics of each. The Ohr is 1) bli gvul (unlimited) 2) giluy (reveals its source) 3) Devekus (attached to its source) and 4) pshitus (plain not divided). The Kelim are the…

Class 03

INTRODUCTION to the division of the maamar. The maamar is divided as follows: first is the posuk and three questions: how is the posuk related to leaving Mitzraim and entering Eretz Yisroel and how can it be explained that Havaye and Elokim are kula chad (one). Next comes the havamina that Havaye and Elokim are…

Class 02

ACHDUS (some stories). Hashem Hu HaElokim according to ZOHAR. 3 levels in Hashem’s names.

Class 01

Introduction to year ACHDUS HASHEM (AHAVAS YISROEL) emuna pshuta, pshitus of chakira, Adam Haelyon. Do not be discouraged by the sound quality of this first class. It gets better from here onwards. We have worked on this file with audio processing to make it as clear and easy to listen to as possible.

Class 00 Vyadata-classes 1 to 18

Classes 1 to 18. The Mem Gimmel Class series includes a full year of study at a relatively advanced level. The classes delve into an important area of the chassidus of Rabbi Shalom Dov Ber Schneersohn (Rashab, the fifth Rebbe of Lubavitch). The first 18 classes in this series cover a discourse from 5657 (1897)…