Class Seven.
Refutation of the initial answer: it hides so much more than it reveals it can hardly be called Gilui (1). Words: Etzem- In relationship with itself (only). Gilui- to another (and the “other” gets it) Yesh- INDEPENDENT being. Ohr- A light that is about reflecting it’s source. Ha’arah- a light that is about revelation to…
Class 06
Attempted answer: the Tzimtzum allows the two opposites of Havaya and Elokim (Ohr and Keli, Guf and Neshama etc.) to meet altogether.
Class 05
Havaya and Elokim are opposites (2). Havaya- Ohr (light). Elokim- Kelim (vessels). The opposites: Ohr: Giluy, Dvaikus, Pshitus, Bli Gvul. Keli: Helem, Havdala, Hischalkus, Gvul.
Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 53
Page 57-9. The second level of breaking the barrier through Simcha. In the Mashal it is not the King standing in the gateway, but He’s out in the street. Breaking the barrier through light, vs. breaking the barrier by revealing the very essence.
Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 52
Page 56- 7. The breaking of barriers through שמחה comes into the worldly barriers, like the King standing in the Gate. Nevertheless in this gate (as the barrier is broken) Etzem of Ain Sof is revealed.
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