
Ranat Class #16

Shuva class 3: B’chal Levavcha; B’chal Nafshecha; B’chal Meodecha B’chal Levavcha: 1) Loving Hashem in your heart (ONLY) 2) Levels of Nefesh, Ruach and Neshama 3) Yetzer Tov and Yetzer Hara. B’chal Nafshecha: 1) Love is spread out through the whole guf. 2) Level of Chaya 3) Love even if He takes your life. (lower…

Ranat Class #15

Shuva class 2: P 19, 19 lines from Bottom. Chesed and Gevura ATIK = Old; Copied; Separated. 1) Atik is an exact copy of Atzmus like it is in Seder Hishtalshelus, 2)Separate from hishtalshelus but still a part of it, and separated from the Atzmus from which it was copied. 3) Old=always was. Levi serves…

Ranat Class #14

Shuva class 1: Hemshech: Maamarim 1-2 – Kos; Maamar 3 is Din as a world of Mesiras Nefesh; Maamarim 4-5 about Din as in Hiding Elokus. Gevura is Z”A is cold, matter of fact, exacting, clinical and fair, but can also be cruel. A judgment that separates out good from evil. Gevura of Atik is…

Ranat Class #10

Shiur # 2: Reproduction is a NES each and every time. A person’s whole essence is contained in a Tipa. Parents each give their whole selves to the child. Parents give power to the child to become independent from them, as they became independent from their parents. Where do we see the Koach HaEin Sof…

Ranat Class #09

Shiur #1: P 10-11 have a very different flavor from the rest of the maamar – very kabbalistic and very b’kitzur. Why? The previous maamar spoke of 1) reproduction, 2)ideas and words, 3) Ohr and Kelim, and 4) Neshama in a guf. The main component in the above is the m’kabel and how she not…

Ranat Class #8

AL Karchecha Atah Chai (Pirkei Avos). The Neshama wants to be close to the Aibishter, but because of the guf she wants to go away from the Aibishter.The Guf has a higher shoresh than the neshama’s which will allow her to experience the Aibishter in a higher way and so the Neshama wants to also…

Ranat Class #7

KOS: OROS and KELIM ; NESHAMA and GUF P. 6 7lines down Light knows its source (ila v’alul) and wants to be in it. – But the Guf forces the light down, because the light senses that from the guf (since its source is higher) there is an advantage for the light. Hashem can’t be…